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Passing the Academy Potential Test and Psychological Test for the PT Timah Scholarship Class Program, Felly Hopes to Study at SMAN 1 Pemali 

PANGKALPINANG -- The New Student Admission Selection Committee (PPDB) for the Pemali Boarding School Program for the PT Timah Scholarship Class at SMAN 1 Pemali for the 2024/2025 academic year has announced the results of the academic potential test selection, psychological test, interview and psychological analysis, on Monday (3/6 /2024).

A total of 36 students were declared to have passed the academy potential test selection, psychological test, interview, and psychological analysis and will continue the medical test on Wednesday 5 June 2024.

Students who passed this selection came from Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Riau Province, and Riau Islands Province. Previously, the PT Timah Scholarship Class PPDB registration process had been going on since last April.

In carrying out the selection, PT Timah collaborated with the Bangka Belitung Education Office and the Padjadjaran University Psychological Innovation Center.

One of the students from SMP Negeri 3 Kundur Barat, Karimun Regency, Felly Amelia, expressed that she was very pleased and happy to receive the information that she had passed the psychology test selection.

"Felly felt very happy, surprised, happy," said the student from SMP 3 Kundur Barat.

He said that he would not waste this opportunity to prepare himself to take the health selection so that he could pass the PT Timah scholarship class program.

"Since I entered West Kundur 3 Middle School, I have dreamed of getting this scholarship program, because seeing and hearing from seniors who have already experienced this program, there are many things that you might not get at other schools," She said.

He hopes that he can pass the PT Timah scholarship class program so that he can help his family's economy.

"Hopefully, by getting this scholarship program from PT Timah, it can help my parents ease the burden of my education costs," She said. (*)