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Pantiau Pipiet, Bangka's Special Food That Appeals to the Appetite

*Forstered Partners of PT Timah Tbk Develop Home-based Business

BANGKA -- This typical Bangka Belitung culinary sanctuary is always appetizing. The taste of the pantiau which is chewy but soft served with fish sauce and a sprinkling of fried onions makes the taste even more delicious.

The shape of the pantiau is similar to kwetiau. The difference is that the Pantiau is served with a thick fish sauce. It is made from rice flour so that consuming Pansau also makes you full quickly.

This one food is quite popular with the public, it is available in roadside stalls to restaurants. It's no wonder that many people make Pantiau as one of the culinary offerings that have promising business prospects.

This is what Pitriningsih realized, since nine years ago she started a business selling nursing homes. She continues to learn to make pantiau which is sold in kilograms.

This resident of RT 3, Sinar Jaya Jelutung Village, Jelutung Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency, at first did not think about starting a business. However, because of the economic crush at that time, she had to rack her brains so that she could support his two children.

"Initially, they only sold small snacks that were piled up, pempek. There was a small shop on the side of the road. In one day, I was able to sell 3 kg of puff pastry. Finally, my neighbors motivated me why not make my own," she said.

This foster partner of PT Timah Tbk said that she finally tried to make her own pantiau with the knowledge her parents gave her. It turned out that the results exceeded expectations.

From 1 kg of milled rice, it can turn into 9 kg of pantiau, so she has a lot of excess. While the pantiau could not last long.

"Because there's still a lot more, I go to the market and offer it to a tofu seller. Some want it. I sold it because there wasn't one per kilo in 2013 that sold it," she said.

From one stall selling tofu and tempeh at Sungailiat Market, finally there was another trader who wanted to sell the orphanage, which she named Pantiau Pipiet.

She was assisted by his neighbors to try to make a kilogram of pantiau and market it to several markets in Sungailiat. Market acceptance is quite good so that the turnover continues to increase.

"At that time it was still good to sell quickly, the turnover increased from 7 kg, to 15 kg, it continues to grow until today it is 250 kg," she said.

She admits, along with developments, there are now many who sell nursing homes like herself. However, she is optimistic that the Pipiet orphanage product that she is living can continue to grow.

She also continues to innovate by selling pantiau in several packages, such as packages of half a kilo, one kilo and pantiau complete with fish seasoning.

Not only that, pantiau which is a wet food does not last long. So it is difficult for her to receive orders from outside the region. Currently, she can use a vacuum system to be sent outside the island of Bangka but even then it can't last long at least 4-5 days.

The interest in her nursing home is increasing, so she feels the need to increase her marketing coverage area. But at that time she was still constrained by capital.

Finally, in 2019 she became a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk and received a capital injection to be able to expand her business.

"At first I only focused on Sungailiat because there were no vehicles if I wanted to go to Pangkal Pinang to take this Pantiau. Finally, after receiving capital from PT Timah Tbk, I bought a vehicle and now I can market products to markets in Pangkalpinang," she said.

In addition to adding vehicles, from this capital she has a larger rice grinding machine and a fish grinding machine. So that it can make work easier.

Currently she produces about 250 kg of pantiau every day with the help of eight workers. Hundreds of kilograms of these orphanages are sold to markets in Sungailiat and Pangkalpinang. In addition, she also has dozens of resellers who also sell their products.

"On normal days it is around 250 kg per day, but if fasting and ahead of Eid it can be up to 600 kg / day. As for the fish seasoning itself, it is around 15 kg per week. Because there are more people who buy it in kilos because people usually make their own seasoning. And usually this pantiau is for resale, like in stalls," she said.

Since becoming a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk, she has received many benefits, apart from increasing the marketing area, her turnover has also increased.

"Initially it was only 160 kg because only in Sungailiat now it can be more than 250 kg. Pantiau is marketed in Pangkalpinang markets such as the development market, the Kampung Asem market, the morning market and the Air Itam market," she said.

Meanwhile, in Sungailiat, her homes were sold at Hygenis Market, Betuah Market, Sungailiat Kite Market and Kenanga Market.

She aspires to be able to develop dry pantiau in the future so that they can be sold to various regions.

"My dream is how this pantiau can dry out so it's more durable and can be sold to various regions," she said.

With the increasing marketing of her pantiau, she does not deny that her turnover is also in the tens to hundreds of millions per month from the business she runs.

She is grateful to be a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk, in addition to being able to develop her business, she is also fostered through training activities organized by the company.

"Alhamdulillah, there are so many benefits that I feel as a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk, I can develop my business and receive training. Hopefully this can continue so that MSMEs have the opportunity to develop," she said.

For those of you who want to enjoy Pipiet's Pantiau, you can call 0823-7833-6060 or via Instagram @Fitriningsih306. You can also come directly to RT 3, Sinar Jaya Jelutung Village, Jelutung Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency.