PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Only Living Alone, Safri Didn't Expect to Receive a Habitable House from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA -- Safri (52) a resident of Banteng Kota Village, Tempilang District, West Bangka Regency, never dreamed of getting a decent housing assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

He had been living in a house that had almost collapsed. The house he has lived in for 30 years is still damaged due to age, the walls of the boards are starting to crumble. In addition, the residence does not have toilets and lighting.

"Alhamdulillah, I feel happy. Thank you to PT Timah Tbk for building my house. I never dreamed of getting a house like this," said Safri when he received a livable house from PT Timah Tbk, Friday (26/8/2022).

He said that he worked as a casual farm laborer with an uncertain income, he could only fulfill his daily needs.

"PT Timah is indeed very kind and loves the community by helping those who deserve to be helped. Hopefully PT Timah will be more advanced and victorious," he said.

The condition of Safri's house is getting more and more fragile, so the Benteng Kota Village Government has taken the initiative to propose Safri's house to be renovated by PT Timah Tbk.

"Not long ago, PT Timah responded to Safri's proposal for a decent house for habitation, and it's now finished," said Rinaldi Ramon, Acting Head of Banteng Kota Village.

According to Ramon, this is not the only assistance that PT Timah has provided in addition to building decent houses, there are many other assistances for its residents.

"We express our appreciation to PT Timah, which has helped our residents a lot, such as building houses, basic necessities, youth activities, and others," he explained.