JAKARTA – PT Timah Tbk continues to encourage its fostered partners to upgrade, one of which is by aggressively promoting the fostered partner's products so they can penetrate the national and international markets.
PT Timah Tbk routinely facilitates fostered partners to participate in exhibitions and MSME Bazaars both at regional and national levels. This is a form of the company's commitment to encouraging MSMEs and the creative industry to continue to grow.
In the momentum of this Ramadhan Month, PT Timah Tbk again facilitated and fostered partners to take part in the MSME Bazaar 'Sobat Energi Belanja UMKM' which was held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources at the Futsal Field of the Secretariat General of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta on Tuesday-Thursday (4-6/4/2023).
One of PT Timah Tbk's fostered partners who took part in this Bazaar Asri Yani (44) said that bazaars and exhibitions were the events they had been waiting for because they could increase the promotion of their products.
"I am very happy to be involved with PT Timah in this bazaar. Because there are so many impacts that I feel when participating in exhibitions, it's like my products are better known by the public at large," he said.
The owner of Rusip Asri revealed that his business has continued to grow since becoming the mentor of PT Timah Tbk. He is also active in exhibition activities.
“Having an event like this really has an impact on the development of my business, where before I was involved in exhibition activities, I was only able to produce this rusip in the range of 20 to 30 kg at a time. However, after actively participating in exhibition activities, the production increased quite drastically, up to 50 kg," she said.
According to him, in the past there were not many who were not familiar with rusip which is one of Bangka's specialties. However, now rusip is widely known and has been marketed to various regions.
"At first, when I went to Bangka, I didn't know the name Rusip. In the end, I came to know. Apart from that, I also get more business colleagues, and from there, order after order continues to increase," she said.
According to him, their rusip products have even been able to penetrate the national market and already have regular customers outside Bangka Island such as Palembang, Kalimantan, and Jakarta.
"Even the one from Palembang is the owner of a hotel and is used as a menu for dishes at the hotel," she said.
He hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk can continue to facilitate and support the promotion of their products so that they can be increasingly recognized and have an impact on increasing turnover.
"Hopefully PT Timah will be more successful, more victorious, and continue to pay attention to us as the MSME fostered. PT Timah is extraordinary," she concluded. (**)