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Number of Applicants for the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program at SMAN 1 Pemali in 2023 Increases by 50 Percent

PANGKALPINANG -- The PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program at SMAN 1 Pemali was enthusiastically welcomed by the students. The reason is that as many as 257 students have registered for the New Student Admissions Registration (PPDB) for the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program at SMAN 1 Pemali for the 2023/2024 Academic Year.

The number of applicants this year increased by 50 percent compared to the previous year which was only 130 people.

The participants who registered came from the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Karimun Regency, and Meranti Regency.

Since it opened on April 25 and closed on May 5, the number of registered participants has continued to grow.

Participants who register will take a series of tests such as administration, field surveys, academic potential tests, psychological tests, interviews, clinical psychological analysis, document validation, and medical tests.

This MIND ID Mining Industry holding member provides scholarships for junior high school students who wish to continue their education to the high school level. This program is intended for students who excel and are economically disadvantaged.

The PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program, which began in 2000, has graduated 815 alumni. This program is PT Timah Tbk's commitment to supporting the improvement of the quality of human resources in the mining circle in the field of education.

Students who have registered are asked to continue to monitor the development of information about the PPDB PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program via the page

"Participants who have registered can monitor information through the registration page that has been prepared. Registration for this program is free," said the Head of Corporate Communications at PT Timah Tbk, Anggi Siahaan.