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Noggi, East Belitung Resident Receives Assistance for Medical Costs from PT Timah Tbk

EAST BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance for medical expenses to Noggi, a resident of Air Kelik Village, Damar District, East Belitung Regency.

Noggi suffers from rheumatic heart disease which doctors have diagnosed as a congenital disease. The financial assistance provided by PT Timah Tbk was handed over directly to the Noggi family.

Noggi's grandmother Morsana said that they began to know that he had heart disease since Noggi's body often had bluish bruises.
After examination, it turned out there was a heart leak.

Then, yesterday he was referred to Jakarta and treated. Currently, Noggi is heartbroken and preparing to leave for Jakarta.

"So on December 7 we will return to Jakarta, and currently we are making preparations in Belitung," she said.

According to Morsana, PT Timah Tbk's assistance really helped reduce Noggi's medical costs and will be used for medical purposes.

"We thank you for this assistance, we will use it for treatment," she said.

Morsana said they would try to fight for Noggi's recovery. "Ask for prayers for our recovery and we thank you once again," she said. (*)