PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


New Villagers of East Belitung Regency Enthusiastically Receive Free Health Services from PT Timah Tbk's Health Car

EAST BELITUNG - As many as 90 participants had their health checked at the PT Timah Tbk Health Car activity which was held in Baru Village, Manggar District, East Belitung Regency, Wednesday (8/3/2023).

PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car health service coincides with the Bakti BUMN Batch III volunteer agenda.

The presence of PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car was welcomed enthusiastically by the public. Residents come to Mobil Sehat to get health services.

One of the residents who took part in the health check, Indo, said that this was the first time he had received treatment at PT Timah Tbk's healthy car service.

"Earlier I consulted the doctor, I had to drink lots of water, exercise, and take medicine," he said.

According to Indo, he is very happy with PT Timah Tbk's healthy car service, especially when there are complaints again. He can come to check again at the service.

"I hope this service exists again," he said.

Meanwhile, Manggar Sub-District Head Heri Susanto welcomed the agenda carried out by PT Timah Tbk and the BUMN volunteers in Baru Village because it could help improve people's health status.

"The community is quite enthusiastic about participating in the health service, especially since there are quite a lot of people in Baru Village," he said.

According to Heri, the people of Baru Village really need special health services because the distance to health services is quite far.

"So PT Timah Tbk's healthy car helps the people of Baru Village," he explained.

Therefore, he hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to synergize and coordinate with the puskesmas in East Belitung because they also have programs for the community so that the same service will not be carried out in the near future in that village.

He also welcomed the presence of BUMN volunteers in Baru Village and hoped to spread positive things in the village throughout Indonesia for the advancement of East Belitung.

"They can provide information about tourism in Baru Village to their families, co-workers, and other communities, so they can visit to see the tourism potential," he stated.

Liana Oktavia, one of the BUMN Bakti Volunteers, PT Kimia Farma Tbk employee, said PT Timah Tbk's healthy car activity was very good and innovative because it directly touched the community.

"So many people experience health problems, but they lack information about health services and others," he said.

In Liana's opinion, PT Timah Tbk's activities really help the community and are in line with the BUMN program.

In fact, he was also happy because he could directly consult and listen to public health complaints in Baru Village.

"Through this event, I can contribute more to the community, especially in East Belitung, Bangka Belitung," he explained.

Therefore, he hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to run the program and have a good impact on the people of Belitung.

"Hopefully, the community can return to health and PT Timah Tbk will continue to protect the community in terms of health," he concluded. (**)