PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Momentum of World Women's Day Commemoration, Tunas Berseri Women Farmer Group in Kayu Besi Village Receives Aid from PT Timah Tbk

CENTRAL BANGKA - In commemoration of World Women's Day, PT Timah Tbk handed over aid to the Tunas Berseri Women Farmers Group (KWT) Tunas Berseri Kayu Besi Village, Namang District, Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province which has a chicken farming business, Tuesday (08/03 /2022).

Besides chicken farming, 26 KWT members consisting of women in Kayu Besi village plant various types of vegetables using polybags in their yards.

"We will use this aid to make an egg incubators and cages for hatched chicks and of course to buy the feed as well," said the Head of KWT Tunas Berseri, Ai Ling.

She said her party would focus more on developing a chicken farming business first. The reason is, if you open another business, it is feared that this group will become out of focus. According to her, this chicken farming business is quite promising economically, because it can improve their economy. In addition, they also have regular customers to market their products.

"We are still focused on the chicken farming business. For farming, it is only part-time, only to meet daily household needs. In this chicken farming business, we are really involved and of course we have made coffers of money from the sale of eggs, chicks, broodstock or meat and even from their droppings," said Ai Ling.

In a month, KWT Tunas Berseri is able to sell 500 to 800 chicks, which are priced at Rp. 15,000 per head. As for the meat itself, they are only able to sell 150 to 300 kg.

"For the meat itself, we sell it directly to the restaurant, even from the demands of the consumers, we can't fulfill the amount they want," said Ai Ling.

For the quality of the chicks produced by KWT, they are classified as super seeds, because not all of their eggs are hatched into seeds.

"We sort the eggs first, if there are eggs that don't meet the standards, we separate them and don't incubate them, so that the seeds produced are really of good quality," she explained.

The same thing was conveyed by the Head of Kayu Besi Village, Yohanes Tamaela, who appreciated PT Timah's contribution to the residents of Kayu Besi Village.

"Thank you for the aid provided by PT Timah for this Kayu Besi Village," he said.

Yohanes added that this is not the first time PT Timah Tbk has helped the community. This is because PT Timah has also assisted in road construction in 2016 where this road has opened access for residents and has become a new settlement, drilling well assistance and healthy car services.

"For the residents of Kayu Besi itself, PT Timah is not like a company but is already considered as part of our big family," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Corporate Communications of PT Timah Tbk Anggi Siahaan said this aid for KWT is a form of community empowerment program run by the company to develop business and also realize community economic independence.

PT Timah Tbk, said Anggi, continues to be committed to encouraging community economic growth by involving communities. One of them is KWT fronted by women.

"Hopefully, with the aid from PT Timah Tbk at KWT Tunas Berseri, they can develop their business, making mothers more productive, so that it can have an impact on their economy," he said.

Furthermore, Anggi said that this is not the first time PT Timah has supported a business led by women who are members of the KWT, but previously PT Timah Tbk has also provided production equipment assistance for the Pineapple Honey KWT in Bikang Village.

"The women's community is not spared from the object of the company's CSR distribution. The company continues to strive to empower women," he said.