PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Mobile Health Service of PT Timah Tbk Serves 1,111 People in Belitung Island Throughout 2023

BELITUNG - The mobile health service of PT Timah Tbk continues to roam, providing healthcare services to the communities in the company's operational areas.

Throughout the year 2023, the Health Car owned by Member of the Indonesian Mining Holding MIND ID has served 1,111 residents on Belitung Island.

The realization of free health services carried out within this Mobile visited and served in 7 locations in East Belitung and 5 in Belitung, totaling 12 locations on Belitung Island in 2023.

Ronald Leonardo, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) of PT Timah Tbk stated that there has been an increase in the number of people experiencing the mobile health service, from around 900 in the previous year (2022) to approximately 1,111 individuals in 2023.

"Something good, it means the community is familiar with and has accepted the Mobile Health activities of PT Timah Tbk well," said Dr. Ronald Leonardo.

According to Dr. Ronald Leonardo, in some places, communities have requested regular mobile health services because they find the medicines they receive very effective and are promptly served in medical care matters.

He also mentioned that throughout 2023, the most common diseases suffered by the community seeking treatment at the mobile health unit were hypertension, uric acid, and high cholesterol.

"In the mobile health unit, we always educate the community to seek treatment regularly at the nearest healthcare facility and to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle," he explained.

Regarding the joys and sorrows in implementing the mobile health service in 2023, Dr. Ronald Leonardo added that there were certainly more joys than sorrows.

"The joy comes from visiting communities in remote areas, even crossing islands. The sorrow is when it rains, and people cannot come for treatment," he concluded.

He hopes that the mobile health unit will continue to exist and provide services to the community because, throughout the year, it has been proven that the community needs it.

"Future expectations include early and extensive socialization to the community before the event, ensuring high participation and absorption of the community in the surrounding areas," he added.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of East Belitung, Khairil Anwar, appreciates PT Timah Tbk for conducting the mobile health service on Belitung Island, especially in East Belitung.

Because of the increasing number of patients, the presence of the mobile health service is crucial, and the community feels well served.

Moreover, all the medical personnel serving are highly competent and seem very dedicated.

"Future expectations include the continued provision of mobile health services and the need to add blood donor units to collaborate with the local government in serving the relatively high demand for blood," he concluded. (*)