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MIND ID Holds Technical Guidance for Implementing Policy in the Field of Internal Supervision at PT Timah 

PANGKALPINANG -- MIND ID's Internal Division held Technical Guidance on Implementing Policies in the Field of Internal Supervision for PT Timah which was held at Graha Timah, on Monday (27/5/2024).

The Bimtek was attended by the Head of the SPI Division of PT Timah Defriyanto and employees within the SPI Division of PT Timah. This will last for three days until 29 May 2024.

Head of MIND ID's Internal Audit Division, Dewi Sukma, said that the Technical Guidance for Implementing Policies for Internal Supervision is to socialize and integrate the Implementing Policies that have been created by MIND ID so that they can be implemented across all members of the holding.

"With this technical guidance for implementing policies, we are trying to accelerate the implementation of implementing policies which will become KPIs in 2024. We hope that PT Timah can adapt appropriately so that PT Timah's KPIs can be implemented well and have good value," he said when opening the activity.

He said that the MIND ID Implementation Policy had also undergone various changes to adapt to applicable regulations.

In the Implementing Policy, there are three mutually agreed upon parts, namely KP for assurance services, KP for consulting services, and KP for combined assurance.

Dewi hopes that this Bimtek activity will run smoothly and can be used as a discussion forum for PT Timah's SPI to discuss Implementing Policies.

Meanwhile, the Head of the SPI Division of PT Timah Defriyanto said that PT Timah is currently preparing and updating existing SOPs.

"We have been waiting for the technical guidance for a long time, we have updated the SOP several times, and we have been waiting for this KP as a guide. Hopefully, after this technical guidance can be executed it can be a guide for PT Timah's SPI friends to update the SOP," he said. (*)