PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Mangroves for the Future, PT Timah Plants Thousands of Mangroves in the Teluk Rubiyah Climate Village, West Bangka

WEST BANGKA -- Mangroves play an important role in maintaining coastal ecosystems, for this reason, PT Timah continues to promote mangrove planting in the company's operational areas such as West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

PT Timah Tb collaborated with the TNI, the Ketapang Indah Fishermen's group, and the West Bangka Regency Government to plant 2000 mangrove stems in Climate Village, Teluk Rubiyah, Tanjung Mentok Subdistrict, West Bangka, Monday (15/1/2024).

Through the activity entitled 'Maintaining the Sustainability of the Mangrove Ecosystem', apart from planting mangroves, PT Timah also planted 24 cashew trees in the area.

The 2024 planting activity of mangrove trees and productive plants was attended by the West Bangka Regional Government, West Bangka Police, Mentok District Court, students, and the Rubiah Bay cruise community.

Mangrove planting carried out by members of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding is a program carried out by PT Timah to support coastal environmental management and support Net Zero Emission (NZE) 2060.

Head of the Ketapang Indah Fishermen's group, Mentok Burhan, said that there are many benefits from mangrove planting carried out in this area.

"Planting mangroves has many benefits for fishermen. Apart from preventing abrasion, mangroves are a place for the development of marine biota which will add to the fishermen's economy," he said.

According to Burhan, after the mangrove planting is carried out, his party will care for it so that the benefits can be felt.

"We would like to thank PT Timah and TNI for carrying out mangrove planting. We will always protect and care for mangroves in our coastal environment," said Burhan.

Meanwhile, Kasdim.0431 West Bangka Major Nawawi said that PT Timah often collaborates with the TNI to carry out several programs such as planting mangroves.

"PT Timah has been collaborating with Kodim 0431 West Bangka to carry out several activities and has become a partner. Like today, we are also supported by PT Timah for planting mangroves and building drilled wells for residents," he said.

Likewise, West Bangka Regency Government Assistant for Economy and Development Heru Warsito appreciated PT Timah Tbk for supporting development in West Bangka Regency.

"PT Timah's contribution, if it were stated in writing, would no longer fit, because PT Timah has played so many roles in supporting development carried out by the government, including community empowerment," he said.

Moreover, this time, he said, PT Timah is again implementing an environmental conservation program by planting mangroves. This coastal area is prone to abrasion.

"Coastal areas are a place for marine biota to spawn and if the ecosystem does not support it, none of this will happen without protection. In this case, mangroves in coastal or coastal areas are therefore appropriate for this activity," he said.

In the future, he said, mangroves will not only prevent abrasion but can also improve the community's economy.

"Mangroves can improve the economy because they are a place for marine biota to develop. If empowerment is carried out, they can be used as tourism areas. Planting is easy, caring for and preserving it is more difficult, so we must have determination and enthusiasm to protect mangroves," explained Heru.