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Lively Commemoration of OHS Month, PT TIMAH Tbk Holds a Series of Competitions in the Production Unit

The lively OHS Month Commemoration which is commemorated on January 12-12 February is carried out with various series of activities. In commemoration of OHS Month, PT TIMAH Tbk held a series of activities at the Company's Production Unit (26/1/2022).

As in the Muntok Metallurgical Unit, West Bangka Regency, the implementation of a series of K3 Month activities was held in the Muntok Metallurgical Unit Office field with various competitions such as the 5R (Neat, Treat, Diligent, and Clean) competition, fire fighting competition with fire extinguishers and sacks. , digital K3 poster competition, and first aid competition.

The series of OHS Month activities at the Muntok Metallurgical Unit was attended by the Head of the Muntok Metallurgical Unit, Wiyono, and employees at Unmet.

Meanwhile, at the Belitung Production Unit, a series of K3 activities were carried out at Halama Tin Ore Warehouse (GBT) Lenggang, East Belitung with a series of activities such as the K3 apple, followed by the awarding of K3, K3 poster competition, safety contact competition, promotion of the use of light fire extinguishers. and blood donors.

The K3 Apple activity at the Belitung Production Unit was also attended by the Head of the Belitung Production Unit, Achmad Haspani, and employees of PT Timah Tbk within the Belitung Production Unit, the Head of the East Belitung Environment Service, Noviz Ezuar, the Head of Lenggang Village, Fachrizal, and representatives of Basarnas.

This year's National OHS Month carries the theme 'Implementation of K3 culture in every business activity to support the protection of workers in the Digitalization Era'. (**)