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Learning Tin Processing, Sriwijaya University Geological Engineering Students Visit PT Timah's Smelting and Processing Division

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah's Processing and Smelting Division welcomed dozens of Sriwijaya University Geological Engineering students to see firsthand the tin smelting and processing process in the Muntok Metallurgical Unit Area, West Bangka Regency, Monday (10/6/2024).

The presence of 28 students and three supervisory lecturers wanted to know PT Timah's business processes which were in line with PT Timah's Company Visit (Merdeka Belajar) industrial visit program.

Coordinator of the Geological Engineering Study Program at the University, Dr. Ir Indarwati S.T MT, said that they came to learn about the tin processing process carried out by PT Timah.

"We from the UNSRI Geological Engineering University visited PT Timah, learned about Tin, and wanted to know the process from separating the tin mineral ore and its by-products until it melts into tin bars ready to be sold," he explained.

In the future, he hopes that their students can gain more knowledge during this visit.

"Hopefully in the future, our students can do KT or TA here, and then there will be someone from PT Timah who is willing to give guest lectures to fill in as practitioner lecturers who teach at Unsri Geological Engineering," added Indarwati.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Processing and Smelting Division, Sofian Simangungsong, explained the tin processing and smelting process carried out by PT Timah.

"We are very happy for you guys to visit here, we can provide an explanation about PT Timah. The future challenges for PT Timah require geologists who are reliable and more knowledgeable about primary tin. Hopefully, this visit will be useful, broadening students' insight," he said. (*)