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Laundry Service Business of Rizal Continues to Grow, Able to Open New Branch with Support from PT Timah's PUMK Program

SELAT PANJANG - Rizal, a resident of Rintis Gang Kemiri in Selat Panjang, Kepulauan Meranti Regency, has been able to expand his laundry service business with the financial support from PT Timah's Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK).

Rizal's laundry service business has been running for several years, facing various challenges. However, with patience and determination, Rizal has been able to open a new branch for his laundry business.

Despite already having two branches, Rizal actively participates in serving customers alongside his employees. When encountered, he appeared busy organizing clothes to be delivered to customers.

While arranging the clothes, Rizal shared that he started the laundry service business because his previous job in transportation was affected by Covid-19.

"Since Covid-19 hit, it directly impacted me as I was working in the transportation sector. Many transportation businesses were laying off their workers, and I was one of those affected," he explained.

With limited capital, Rizal and his wife started the laundry service business to support their family's economy. He was determined to advance the business to become a source of income for the family.

"Especially since I had a young child at that time, so I continued to strive for the laundry business to keep growing," he added.

Rizal and his wife's perseverance paid off, and over time, more customers came to utilize their laundry service. Satisfied customers returned, leading to the growth of their business.

"After several years, Alhamdulillah, the laundry business continues to grow, and customers are satisfied with the service we provide," he said.

Seeing the increasing number of customers, Rizal plans to open another branch to facilitate customers from other areas who want to use their services.

"We want to open a branch, but the hurdle was the capital, so the plan was canceled. But we tried to find capital. Thankfully, I attended a PT Timah socialization event at the Meranti Regency Government building," he explained.

He felt that he was a good fit for the program offered by PT Timah, so he and his family agreed to utilize the PUMK program from PT Timah to open a new laundry business branch.

"Alhamdulillah, the business capital assistance request was approved by the company," he said.

According to Rizal, the PUMK program from PT Timah is very different from programs offered by other financial services. It provides many conveniences.

He feels very fortunate to receive financial support from PT Timah, allowing his business to continue and thrive, ultimately improving his family's economy.

"My hope is that the PUMK program from PT Timah in Kepulauan Meranti Regency can continue and progress to help people with small businesses like me to develop," he concluded. (*)"