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KUPS Mudong Garam Lestari Salt Production Increases After Receiving Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

EAST BELITUNG - Salt production at KUPS Mudong Garam Lestari, Padang Village, East Belitung continues to increase, after receiving development encouragement from PT Timah Tbk.

Previously, program development funding assistance to the KUPS Mudong Garam Lestari group last August was a form of stimulation for PT Timah Tbk so that this group could increase salt production.

Chairman of Kube Salt Lestari Akhartoni said that PT Timah Tbk's assistance several months ago was very useful and had a direct impact on increasing their salt production.

The reason is, the assistance is used to improve and even add to their salt plots to increase production results.

"The assistance from PT Timah Tbk can support the repair of plastic in leaking vlogs, the purchase of facilities and infrastructure to support salt production and the creation of new salt vlogs," said Akhartoni.

According to him, after receiving this assistance, it had an impact on increasing their salt production, which previously was only around 200 kilo grams per three weeks.

However, after assistance from PT Timah Tbk, they repaired the vlogs, although there were still problems, namely that they had not finished repairing the leaking salt vlogs, but the production results were more than before.

"The production output per three weeks is now four hundred kilograms," he said.

He said that assistance from PT Timah Tbk had a very positive impact on the results of their business group. He appreciated PT Timah Tbk's commitment to improving the economy in salt production.

"It's very useful, we were able to buy an additional pump machine to pull sea water to fill the pipeline pump in the middle of the sea about fifty meters and also to make vlogs from cement," he explained.

Apart from that, he still hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to develop them and collaborate on various matters in the future.

"Hopefully in the future KUPS MGL Padang Village can become a partner of PT Timah Tbk in developing the potential of existing natural resources," he said. (*)