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KPP Pratama Pangkalpinang Socializes CTAS and 2023 SPT Reporting at PT Timah

PANGKALPINANG -- The Pangkalpinang Pratama Tax Service Office (KPP) held a socialization regarding reporting the 2023 Tax Year SPT and the Core Tax Administration System (CTAS) for Timah People which was held virtually from Graha Timah Pangkalpinang, Wednesday (13/3/2024).

Apart from holding socialization, KPP Pratama Pangkalpinang also held a Tax Corner to make it easier for PT Timah employees who wanted to consult on tax issues.

The head of the Pangkalpinang KPP Pratama Service Section, Tri Joko Suranto, appreciated PT Timah's collaboration and synergy with holding this socialization.

"We were able to carry out this outreach because of the synergy of cooperation with PT Timah. Hopefully, the synergy and cooperation can continue," he said.

"There are two materials submitted by KPP Pratama Pangkalpinang, related to the submission of the Individual Annual SPT for the 2023 tax year which is due March 31, 2024. Reporting can be submitted via e-filling. I am sure Timah People have already reported it. For those who have not submitted their SPT immediately," he said.

Apart from that, his party is also socializing the Core Tax Administration System (CTAS), which is a taxation system that will begin to be used in mid-2024.

"This latest system is more sophisticated, simpler, integrated, and even better. There are several changes in this system so that it will make it easier for taxpayers and the Directorate General of Taxes to carry out supervision," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Accounting Division, Dian Syafitri, hopes that Timah people will be able to pay attention to this activity so they can increase their insight and knowledge about taxation.

"This is an effort to increase knowledge, today there is a socialization of Annual SPT reporting and about CTAS. Hopefully what we can get will be useful for carrying out the tasks we will carry out," he said. (*)