PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Kon Fui Can Develop Fish Trading Business After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA -- Anyai Hamlet, Air Menduyung Village, Simpang Teritip District, West Bangka Regency is well-known as a producer of fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, and marine products.

Located on the coast of the Bangka Strait, this area is blessed with various marine products. Some people in this village also work as fishermen.

Seeing the opportunity for the abundance of marine products from the fishermen, Kon Fui (58) thought of starting a business of buying and selling marine products. She buys from the fishermen which are then sold to consumers.

Over time, Kon Fui wanted to develop his fish trading business, but was constrained by capital. She cannot accommodate more fish than fishermen because her capital is limited.

To that end, she seeks to increase capital in order to expand her business. Luckily, she was able to find out about PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) program so she could take advantage of this program for solutions to develop her business.

"At that time there was socialization from PT Timah at people's homes, I looked for it because it was easy and the management was easy and interested, so I took advantage of this program," she said.

After becoming a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk, she can buy fisherman catches in larger quantities. In addition, the fish marketing area is also growing to reach other villages.

"I can buy fishermen's catch in large quantities, and now it is not only for consumers in the village, but is marketed to Muntok and Parittiga," she said.

According to Kon Fui, the PUMK Fund assistance is very helpful for MSME actors, because there are many privileges and conveniences provided for MSMEs. She hopes this program can continue

"The program is good at touching the community, the disbursement is fast, the administration is light, the main thing is that we are greatly helped. Hopefully PT Timah will be more prosperous and advanced, so that this program will continue," she hoped.