PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Ko Awan Receives Sticky Machine Angpao During Chinese New Year

*PT Timah Tbk Hands over Four Units of Outboard Machines to KUB Fishermen Bina Sejahtera Bersama

BANGKA -- Ko Awan smiled broadly when he received a visit from the CSR team of PT Timah Tbk and the chairman of the KUB Fishermen Bina Sejahtera Together with Juliadi who came to his residence in Air Antu Hamlet, Deniang Village, Riau Silip District, Bangka Regency, Monday (31/1/2022).

This 49-year-old man is already waiting at his house, his house looks beautiful with a variety of lush trees and a number of plants. In the yard of his house made of boards, there are also several open equipment storage areas.

On one side was a broken outboard engine, it had been out for almost a year. Ko Awan, who works as a fisherman, is forced to use a robin machine to earn a living at sea. Even though it's risky for Ko Awan, it doesn't matter, as long as he can still go to sea.

Ko Awan did not expect that he would get a 9.8 PK outboard engine from PT Timah the day before Chinese New Year. For him Chinese New Year this year feels happier. At least, he will be calmer and more comfortable when looking for sustenance because the engine is new and according to needs.

"These are red packets, but they are actually more than red packets because they are given a tool to make money the day before Chinese New Year. I am very grateful for the help," said Ko Awan.

He said that in their group he was the only one still using the robin machine. He admits the robin engine does have risks such as not being able to back down, if the wind is strong it can't go to sea, not to mention the potential for engine damage while at sea.

The father of two children said this machine was really needed. However, he did not have much money to buy a new machine.

"I'm very happy to be grateful, because I really need it. Thank you to PT Timah, for helping me. Later after the Chinese New Year I will use a new engine, so I don't have to worry about the ship being damaged and can look for fish and squid further," he said with a smile.

Not only Ko Awan, Ajong (50) the fisherman of Air Antu also felt the blessings of the Chinese New Year by receiving outboard engine assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

He said that he already had an outboard engine, but the engine was old and often damaged, so sometimes he was often anxious when he went to sea.

"I'm a traditional fisherman, I'm happy with the help of machines from PT Timah Tbk, because my machines are often damaged. If there is a new machine, it will be calmer when going to sea," he said.

Ajong usually goes to sea in the waters of Air Antu and its surroundings, he is a fisherman who returns home in search of fish. Besides being a fisherman, sometimes he also goes to the garden.

"Double the joy, tomorrow Chinese New Year today will get an outboard engine from PT Timah Tbk," he said.

The chairman of KUB Fishermen Bina Sejahtera Bersama Juliadi or who is often called Ali said that PT Timah Tbk handed over the assistance of four 9.8 PK outboard engines to their group members. Where this outboard engine will be used by members who really need it.

According to him, the four members of the group who received the outboard engine assistance were selected based on the results of the deliberation of group members consisting of 10 fishermen.

"The group that proposes this is handed over to members who really need it. For example, members whose machines have broken, so they are really used to earn income and increase income," he said.

He said, with the help of the outboard engine, it is hoped that members can earn a living in peace, without worrying that the boat will be damaged. The catch distance can also be longer with less operating costs because using this machine is more fuel-efficient.

"This machine was handed over, coincidentally there were members who accepted to celebrate the Chinese New Year. I think this is a wow form of friendship from the csr of PT Timah Tbk," he said.

Meanwhile, Riau Head Silip Lingga Pranata hopes that PT Timah Tbk's collaboration with the community can continue to support the progress of the village and the local community.

"This assistance is very helpful for fishermen to carry out their activities, with the help of this machine, hopefully fishermen will earn a living more enthusiastically. But hopefully not only here but also for other groups," he said.

Similarly, the Head of Deniang Village Yuliarno appreciated PT Timah Tbk for helping the fishermen group in Deniang Village. According to him, the assistance of facilities and infrastructure like this is really needed because it can help the community directly.

"PT Timah's CSR has always wanted to help and collaborate with the community in Deniang Village. With this outboard assistance, fishermen really need it, so it is right on target," he said.

In the future, he hopes, PT Timah Tbk can continue to collaborate with the community and stakeholders to jointly develop Deniang Village in various aspects such as health and others. (**)