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Kemplang Tjhai Mau Chin Marketing Expands After Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA - The business of Kemplang Tjhai Mau Chin (56), a resident of Anyai hamlet, Air Menduyung village, Simpang Teritip sub-district, has continued to grow since becoming a foster partner of PT Timah.

She said that he had been in the kemplang business for a long time, but it was only marketed around West Bangka because it was constrained by capital constraints to produce kemplang on a large scale.

However, he thought about expanding his business after receiving the socialization of PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK) at the Village Hall some time ago.

Thanks to her husband, Akhmad Sarimin's (60) support, Tjhai Mau Chin took advantage of this capital loan from PT Timah Tbk to develop their business.

"We want to increase capital for the kemplang business that we have been running. Because the process is easy, the installments are light, the capital is received in full and there is a grace period of three months to run the business, we are interested and become PT Timah's foster partners," she said.

After receiving a loan from PT Timah, Tjau began to expand his business, assisted by a child who lives in Pangkalpinang, her kemplang began to be marketed to Pangkalpinang, and was also promoted online.

"From this online promotion, Kemplang continues to get customers, in addition to customers from the island of Bangka, now customers are expanding outside the island of Bangka," she explained.

Tjau said that PT Timah's partner program was suitable for small business actors like herself.

"A program like this is suitable for small business actors like us. Hopefully, it will be maintained. Thank you PT Timah, keep Jaya, Forward, and provide benefits for the community," he concluded.