PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Kehati Forest Conservation, PT Timah's Real Step towards Sustainability

PANGKALPINANG - As an effort to support environmental conservation and maintain biodiversity, PT Timah continues to develop Biodiversity management programs, including the Kehati Forest, marine reclamation, and Animal Rescue Center.

Biodiversity is a program organized to maintain the population of local endemic flora and fauna so that they are not endangered, by forming natural ecosystems through conservation activities.

PT Timah manages 56.2 hectares of Biodiversity Forest spread over 2.2 hectares in Mentok City Forest, West Bangka Regency, 37 hectares in Kampoeng Reklamasi Air Jangkang, Bangka Regency and 17 hectares in Kundur Biodiversity Forest in Karimun Regency, the release of protected animals, and the implementation of marine reclamation programs (mangrove planting, squid / cuttlefish restocking and mangrove crab restocking).

The Biodiversity Program not only aims to maintain the ecosystem, but also to educate the community in conservation efforts. This is a tangible manifestation of PT Timah in implementing protection, environmental management and biodiversity.

Hutan Kehati is not only a conservation area, but also an environmental education center. For example, Hutan Kehati in Mentok, West Bangka is often visited by the West Bangka Adiwiyata Cadre.

“Hutan Kehati, the release of protected animals and the Marine Reclamation program are efforts to preserve the natural ecosystem around the company through the protection and maintenance of flora and fauna in it and maintain ecological roles,” said Department Head Corporate Communication PT Timah Tbk, Anggi Siahaan.

Anggi added, in carrying out the company's business processes PT Timah always implements the principles of Good Mining Practice, prioritizing aspects of sustainability including preserving biodiversity.

“PT Timah integrates biodiversity management by ensuring ecosystem sustainability, preventing and minimizing the impact of activities on biodiversity. One of them is the Kehati Forest, the release of protected animals, and the Marine Reclamation program,” said Anggi.

Through the Kehati program, PT Timah not only contributes to preserving the environment, but also supports the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially in the aspects of land ecosystem protection and environmental education. (*)