PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Keeping the West Bangka Bozem Tourist Area Clean, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Dozens of Trash Cans

WEST BANGKA -- Cleanliness is one of the attractions of tourist attractions. A beautiful, clean tourist destination will certainly provide comfort for visitors.

Realizing this, PT Timah Tbk continues to support the progress of tourist destinations by adding facilities and infrastructure in tourist areas. This time, PT Timah Tbk handed over 20 units of rubbish bins for MSMEs and the community in the Bozem Tourism Area, Teluk Rubiah, Tanjung Village, West Bangka Regency, Thursday (14/9/2023).

Last week, PT Timah Tbk together with students and community groups also carried out mutual cooperation activities in empowering Environmental Conservation Based Tourism Villages to clean and beautify the Bozem tourist area.

Chairman of RW 15 Teluk Rubiah Subari said PT Timah Tbk really cares about the community, especially in the field of cleanliness. Previously, he said, PT Timah Tbk also helped with waste transport vehicles.

"Not only helping with trash cans, but PT Timah also helps with trash transportation equipment. This shows that PT Timah really cares about the surrounding environment and the community," he said.

He hopes that the community and MSME actors can maintain the facilities and infrastructure that have been provided.

"We hope that the assistance provided by PT Timah can be maintained by MSMEs in the Bozem tourist area. Because if our environment is clean, we ourselves will feel the benefits, and people will be comfortable visiting our place," said Subari.

Likewise, Chairman of the Rubiah Bay Community Youth Communication Forum (FKPMTR) Wahyudi said that the PT Timah Tbk Trash Can assistance would be used for Bozem Tourism and community public facilities.

"The assistance of 20 units of rubbish bins will be used in the Bozem tourist area and public facilities. With this assistance, people can increase awareness of disposing of rubbish in the right place and the importance of keeping the environment and the Bozem tourist area clean," he hoped.

Meanwhile, Tanjung Subdistrict Head Syahid Alwi appreciated PT Timah's assistance to his residents.

"Thank you for PT Timah Tbk's assistance to the community and MSMEs in the Bozem tourist area. Hopefully, this assistance can be of benefit to both the community itself and the environment," said Alwi. (*)