BANGKA – Supporting the cleanliness of the beach which is one of the leading tourist destinations in Bangka Belitung Islands Province, PT Timah Tbk carries out mutual cooperation clean-up of the beach with some of the stakeholders.
After last week, gotong royong cleaned Rebo Beach. This time is the turn of Matras Beach located in Sungailiat, Bangka Regency which is the location of mutual cooperation activities, Friday (12/11/2021).
The cleanliness of the beach is part of the Sapta Pesona, so it becomes something that must be considered by all of us. For this reason, PT Timah Tbk often carries out clean beach activities in support of tourism and environmental cleanliness.
This activity also involved the General Manager of PT Timah Tbk Bangka Belitung region, Robertus Bambang Susilo, local residents, fishermen, students of SMK N 2 Sungailiat, Polair, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
Secretary of Sungailiat Camat, Ridwan appreciated the clean mutual cooperation activities of Matras beach, so later it is expected to increase tourist visits to one of the tourist destinations in Sungailiat.
"We appreciate the clean beach activities carried out by PT Timah where this activity maintains harmonization between communities and the government to be in harmony. We greatly appreciate it because this activity also involves the community of two villages, namely Sinar Jaya and Matras," he said.
Similarly, one of the Teachers of SMK N 2 Sungailiat, Samsul Rifa'I said his students were very enthusiastic to participate in this activity. In addition to maintaining cleanliness, this activity also educates students to preserve the tourism potential in their area.
"They are very enthusiastic about this activity. Hopefully, also activities like this can continue, more often because of this activity to preserve and maintain tourist attractions. This activity can be multifunctional activities to cleaning and exercising also preserving tourist attractions," he said.
He also hopes that this activity can continue to be carried out by involving various elements of the community.
"Hopefully activities like this can be improved again, or it can be often again so the activities like this are improved again by involving various elements including the community. So we can together have a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness of the Matras Beach, "he said.
One of the fishermen who participated in this activity, Abdul Latif (57) said he was happy with the clean activities of this beach.
"Alhamdulillah we are grateful to PT Timah Tbk who cooperated with fishermen, especially to clean the beach so that the cleanliness of this beach can also be maintained," said Abdul Latif. (**)