PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Kedai Makan Madina Provides Gangan Belitong Culinary, a Partner Fostered by PT Timah Tbk which Has Existed for a Decade Years

BELITUNG - Belitung Island is famous for its natural beauty and also its typical food such as Gangan. This opportunity was seen by Mismawati, one of the culinary business activists in Tanjungpandan, Belitung Regency, who is a partner developed by PT Timah Tbk.

Mismawati started the Madina Food Shop business which is located on Jalan Badau No.Km. 11, RT.6/RW.2, Buluh Tumbang, Tanjung Pandan District in 2011. Intending to develop his business, in 2021 he became a partner with PT Timah Tbk and took advantage of PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) program.

"So this has been my intention for a long time, so that when I retire, I will build a food shop in Belitung," said Mismawati.

He said that at the restaurant they served mixed rice, gangan Belitong packages, and other Belitung dishes.

Having a distinctive taste, Kedai Makan Madina has regular customers and there are even tourists who come to taste Kedai Madina's signature gangan Belitong.

According to him, the promotion of Kedai Makan Madina is mostly from customers who come and inform each other so that the shop, which was founded 12 years ago, is increasingly known to the wider community.

"People who like eating here usually come back again and bring other friends," he explained.

With more and more customers coming, but the condition of their shop was still small, he took advantage of PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program to develop his business building.

Apart from that, from the PT Timah Tbk PUMK program capital loan, he also increased his business capital such as equipment and others.

"The process was fast and thank God it went smoothly and made it very easy," he said.

He said that when people's purchasing power decreased slightly, PT Timah Tbk also provided convenience and relief for their businesses.

"When people's purchasing power decreases, our business is also automatically affected, and PT Timah Tbk makes it easy for us to fulfill our responsibilities," he explained.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program can continue so that it can help MSMEs in running their businesses.

"Hopefully this program will continue to help the community, because this PUMK is very light and easy," he said. (*)