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Karmini Able to Continue Her Husband's Treatment After Receiving Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

BANGKA – Karmini (52) could not hold back her emotions when she received medical assistance for her husband, Enuh from PT Timah Tbk late last year.

The resident of Silip Village, Riau Silip District, Bangka Regency had delayed her husband's treatment due to financial constraints.

She was relieved after receiving the assistance handed over by the HR Director of PT Timah Yennita at the Bangka Sea Production Unit Office Yard, Friday (30/12/2022).

“It has been two years since my husband has had a bone tumor. then referred to a hospital in Jakarta. For about four months, we are undergoing treatment there, because of the burden of expenses for daily living in Jakarta we are forced to go home," she said.

She continues to strive so that she can continue her husband's treatment. So that in the end assisted by PT Timah Tbk.

“With this assistance, we will continue treatment for my husband. Thank you PT Timah, for the assistance provided for the treatment of my husband, we are greatly helped by this assistance," said Karmini.

Currently her husband's health condition is declining. So that chemotherapy can not be done.

“As a result of the bone cancer, my husband is paralyzed. Advice from the doctor to do chemotherapy, but with my husband's physical condition which is very weak, we can't do that yet," she said.

In addition to medical treatment, they also tried alternative medicine for the husband's recovery.

"Whatever the treatment, we will continue to try so that my husband can be healthy again. Hopefully PT Timah will be even more successful, more advanced and more victorious. So that we can continue to help people in need," she stated.