PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Kampoeng Reclamation of Anchored Water, an Integrated Area that Becomes a Tourist Destination

BANGKA BELTUNG -- Bangka Island, Bangka Belitung Islands Province has a wide selection of tourist destinations. In addition to nature tourism, Bangka Island there is also a tourist destination for ex-mining land in Kampoeng Air Jangkang Reclamation.

Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang is located in Riding Panjang Village, Merawang District, Bangka Regency, this is a former mining area that has been transformed into an integrated area and can be a choice for vacationing with family.

The ex-mining land managed by PT TIMAH Tbk carries the concept of edu eco-tourism. Where this area integrates the agricultural, plantation, animal husbandry, agro-tourism, water tourism, and Animal Rescue Center sectors.

In Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang, you can also see vegetable plants with a hydroponic concept, fruit plants, nurseries, fish ponds, and cattle farms.

In this area, there is also an Animal Rescue Center (PPS). In this PPS there are many protected animals such as various types of birds, slow lorises, crocodiles, and other animals.

In this area, several icons can be spots for taking pictures, such as the landmark of the Air Jangkang reclamation village, houses on stilts, a pier for water tourism, and a sunflower garden when it is in flowering season.

Various facilities are also available at Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang such as prayer rooms and toilets.

Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang is also often an educational tour, the article is often visited by students who visit this area directly.

Some time ago, the Kampoeng Water Reclamation Area was also a place for fishing competitions, because it was known that there was much fish in this area.

The presence of Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang is a real step for PT TIMAH Tbk in managing ex-mining land. Where this area continues to be developed as an effort to reorganize the land.

In addition to the Water Jangkang Reclamation Kampoeng, PT TIMAH Tbk is also managing the ex-mining land in East Belitung by creating the Selinsing Reclamation Village.

ALOBI PPS Manager Endy Yusuf said PPS is a conservation institution for special interests. All animals in this area are protected animals.

"This PPS is different from public conservation institutions such as zoos or animal parks. PPS Alobi cannot be visited by general visitors, but may be visited for limited visits in the context of socialization and education," he said.

He also appreciated that PT TIMAH Tbk was committed to helping carry out conservation activities at PPS Alobi Babel.

"A program like this should be run by the company because the benefits are extraordinary in rescuing, treating, and releasing animals. The ultimate goal is to increase the population of wild animals in their habitat, where their role is very important in running ecosystems in nature," said Endy.

Meanwhile, the Head of Corporate Communications at PT Timah Tbk, Anggi Siahaan, said that the Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang is a step by PT TIMAH Tbk in managing ex-mining land so that it can have an economic impact on the community.*