PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Introducing the Local Wisdom of the Mapur Indigenous People Through Books, PT Timah Tbk Recorded the Creation of the Mapur Book Gaining Stories of Gaining Blessings

PANGKALPINANG -- The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province submitted a Letter of Registration of Creation to PT Timah Tbk as the copyright holder for the book 'Mapur Mendulang A Story of Reaping Blessings' written by Kurniati and Derry Nodyanto.

This creation registration letter was submitted by the Acting Head of Legal Services and Human Rights Division for the Babel Region, Eva, to the HR Director of PT Timah Tbk, Yennita at Griya Timah, Friday (9/6/2023), which was also witnessed by the authors and representatives from the Mapur Customary Institution and the Foundation. Gebong Memarong.

Eva appreciates PT Timah Tbk for recording the creation of this history book. She stated that owning the registration of this creation means that it has provided protection for works that have been published.

"The duties and functions of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights include registering intellectual property, recording creation, trademark protection, copyright protection, and communal intellectual property. So that PT Timah Tbk has recorded this, hopefully, it can be an example," she said.

She admitted that currently, she said, public awareness to register trademarks and creations is still low. Therefore, she invites all parties to pay more attention to recording creations to protect their works so that they are not claimed by other parties.

Meanwhile, HR Director of PT Timah Tbk Yennita on this occasion said, PT Timah Tbk is committed to preserving the customs of the communities around the mine, one of which is the preservation of the customs of the Mapur indigenous people.

"There is another aspect that we may often forget is the recording of intellectual works as objects of legal protection for works that have been made. Hopefully, our joint efforts today will be able to educate, encourage and develop the spirit of continuing to work and innovate," said Yennita.

She said, PT Timah Tbk takes a special role and pays attention to programs with ethnic nuances, and carries a sense of care for cultural assets and local wisdom by supporting community institutions including supporting the Mapur Customary Institution.

PT Timah Tbk has also played a role in building the Gebong Memarong Traditional Village located in Air Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency as an effort to reintroduce local wisdom and culture to the community.

To boost the economy of indigenous peoples, PT Timah Tbk also provides training on making eco-print batik and training on making handicrafts for the community.

"PT Timah Tbk will always be committed to supporting good intentions in managing local culture with positive values, especially oriented towards sustainable development, in order to increase community economic growth and community independence," said Yennita.

The author of the book Mapur Mendulang The Story of Gaining Blessings Kurniati said they were not sure they could finish this book without the full support of PT Timah Tbk. The idea to write this book is a continuation of the Teaching Lead Program.

"I think that if it weren't for the support from PT Timah Tbk which has facilitated with totality, it would be rather difficult for us to be able to write this book. Because we did direct observations, the permits were not easy, the accommodation was also not easy. But PT Timah Tbk, in totality, helped us," said Kurniati.

She also feels happy, being able to see and being able to document the culture of the Mapur indigenous people, so they package this writing in fiction and non-fiction form.

"We hope that this book can become material for shared knowledge about the existence of established societies and their culture. There are also several folk stories that are featured in this book," she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Mapur Asih Harmoko Customary Institution said they really appreciated PT Timah Tbk's concern for indigenous peoples. Initially, for them having the Gebong Memarong Traditional Village was just a dream, but now it has become a reality.

"Thank you PT Timah Tbk for helping us from scratch, at first everything was just a dream now it can come true, we can no longer describe what words are suitable to express our gratitude to PT Timah Tbk for helping us so much," he said. (*)