PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Introducing the Enchantment of Kundur Island, Tins Cycling Community PT Timah Tbk Presents Hundreds of Cyclists at the Kundur Advance II Event

PERAYUN -- Hundreds of cyclists from Karimun and Batam Regencies took part in Kundur Advance II which was organized by Timah Cycling Community (TCC) PT Timah Tbk, Saturday (21/1/2023).

Exploring the 30 KM route, the cyclists from Karimun and Batam witnessed various beautiful and interesting sights.

The Chairman of the Kundur Advance II Committee, Beny Vanhendrik, said that this activity was a gathering place for fellow lovers.

"While praying, you can be healthy, as well as refreshing by seeing a natural beauty that is still fresh and natural, supported by sunny weather. Along the route, various terrains and conditions are of course different," he said.

Representative of the Karimun Regency Indonesian Bicycle Sports Association (ISSI), Anwar Abubakar, said that Kundur Advance II was very good and challenging.

He said, in addition to strengthening friendships between fellow cyclists from Kundur Island, Karimun, and Batam, Kundur advance II was also an event to promote Kundur Island which has challenging nature to explore.

"Throughout the route it takes, it presents a lot of natural and fresh atmosphere, it's really extraordinary. Hopefully in the future activities like this can become an annual event. Success for PT Timah," he said.

In the same vein, Hercules from ISSI Batam expressed his appreciation to PT Timah Tbk and TCC for holding this event

"The route is quite challenging for adrenaline for all of us and the natural atmosphere is quite fresh by passing through various fields such as rubber plantations, palm oil, and also beautiful hills. We from ISSI Batam feel very satisfied, hopefully, we can do activities like this again later and we will definitely come," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Cuban Bike Club Haris said he was very happy to be able to take part in this activity so that he could stay in touch.

"We are very happy and happy to take part in this because many of Goweser's friends from outside Kundur Island are participating, so we have more and more friends. Apart from that, it also introduces the wider community that Kundur Island has many good and challenging bike paths," he stated.