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Introducing Bangka Belitung Ornamental Plants, PT Timah Supports Bangka Bonsai Fest 2024

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah supports the Bangka Bonsai Fest (BBF) activities which will be held at the Indonesian Tin Museum (MTI) Muntok on 12-18 May 2024.

Bangka Bonsa Fest is an offering by bonsai enthusiasts to show various types of Bangka Belitung ornamental plants. This activity was attended by around 50 bonsai enthusiasts from inside and outside Bangka Belitung Province.

Apart from that, this activity was also enlivened by 10 MSME actors, 5 groups of performers, Demo by Trainer music performances, and Volunteers to make this event a success.

Chairman of the Bangka Bonsai Festival 2024 committee, Irwan, said that the BBF activity was an event for sales, promotion, and friendship for bonsai lovers, and to enliven the anniversary of West Bangka.

"Even bonsai lovers from outside West Bangka, including bonsai on the island of Sumatra. Apart from marketing and promotion, it is also a gathering, strengthening the unity and kinship of bonsai lovers, while also enlivening the celebration of the 21st anniversary of West Bangka district," explained Irwan.

Irwan also expressed his appreciation to all parties who have supported the activity.

"Thank you to the local government of West Bamgka, PT Timah, the Mentok Indonesian Tin Museum, Taman Pelangi Bujang Dayang West Bangka, the Arts Community, and the private sector, who have sincerely supported this event," he said.

Activity participant Rosilia (40), owner of the Rose Gallery, admitted that she was happy to be able to take part in this event, according to her, this activity was used as an opportunity to promote and sell the bonsai she owns.

"I'm very happy to participate in events here, apart from channeling my hobby to promote and sell ornamental plants, because it provides a strategic and free place. Selling here is safe, don't worry about being left behind," he said/

Sumiyati, (38), another participant admitted that selling bonsai at the BBF activity was quite exciting.

"Thank God, sales were good, many visitors stopped by to buy. Thank you to PT Timah for providing a strategic location for us," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of West Bangka, Bong Ming Ming, who was present to open this activity, appreciated the BBF activities and the parties involved who supported the activities.

"The West Bangka district government appreciates the activities initiated by bonsai lovers and thanks all parties who support PT Timah, the committee, participants, artists, and other sponsors," said the Deputy Regent. (*)