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Internalizing the Value of Morals, PT Timah Tbk's BIO Becomes the Center for Development and Learning of Human Resources with Morals

PANGKALPINANG - The transformation of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SEO) is also marked by the transformation of human resources which are an integral part. The Ministry of BUMN has determined the core value of BUMN which has the acronym AKHLAK which includes Amanah, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative which was set on July 1, 2020.

To internalize AKHLAK values ??which are the main values ??of SOE people, Holding Mining Indonesia Mining Industry (MIND ID) as a BUMN continues to encourage Holding Members to implement AKHLAK values ??for all MIND ID Personnel.

"The transformation of human resources (HR) is one of the inseparable initiatives in the SOE transformation effort carried out by the Ministry of SOEs. To answer this, the Ministry of BUMN continues to encourage BUMN companies, including MIND ID, to transform Human Resources in order to create BUMN people who are superior, have good morals, and are adaptive to change," said Minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir in the introduction to Bukit AKHLAK and Reactivation of Bangka Island Outdoor (BIO), in Deniang Village, Bangka Regency, Tuesday (29/3/2022).

The program initiated by MIND ID is the implementation of the Integrated Sustainability and Value Transformation Program through the internalization of AKHLAK.

"The program initiated by the Directorate of Institutional Relations of MIND ID can be a successful example of implementing an integrated sustainability program and transforming values ??through the internalization of AKHLAK carried out by the MIND ID group at the BIO location of PT Timah Tbk," he continued.

MIND ID's Director of Institutional Relations, Dany Amrul Ichdan said,
Since the Ministry of SOEs initiated the transformation of the function of the Learning Center/Corporate University, Research Center, and Innovation Center of BUMN in 2021, BIO as the TIMAH Learning Center which is integrated with the MIND ID Learning and Research center, has also transformed to strengthen the governance of the development and learning center as well as internalization of values. AKHLAK with the concept of nature.

TIMAH's Learning Development Center is known as the candradimuka crater of the tin mining and processing industry in Indonesia with the concept of learning in nature/open space. This is in line with the MIND ID Group's commitment to the sustainability aspect.

"As we are doing today, we are turning AKHLAK Hill and BIO Activation into a real embodiment of MIND ID to produce SOEs with AKHLAK and Corporate Sustainability Programs that involve the community," he said.

He said that the internalization of AKHLAK carried out by the MIND ID Group at the BIO location of PT Timah Tbk put forward the concept of experiential learning with six main nature-based facilities and adapted to AKHLAK values.

Meanwhile, Director of HR of PT Timah Tbk Yennita said that historically BIO was a training facility for Timah people to shape tin people into human resources with strong, superior, and dignified characters.

BIO, which was initiated by the President Director of PT Tambang Timah (Persero) Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, developed training based on three pillars, namely Patriotism, Professionalism, and Love for Nature.

The AKHLAK hill is actually very much in line with the initial spirit of the idea of ??establishing BIO, which was based on fundamental changes in the context of business dynamics.

"Of course we hope that this momentum will become part of the collaborative symbol among MIND ID members, as well as with other SOEs to be able to take advantage of the presence of BIO as a candradimuka crater for SOEs with CHARACTERISTICS," he continued.

The AKHLAK hill is also in line with the Company's strategy of promoting sustainability by aligning the 3Ps, namely People; namely as a crater candradimuka human resources, Planet; BIO as an Ecotourism destination, as well as Profit; BIO can be independent and profitable.

Yennita explained that the selection of BIO as a medium for internalizing AKHLAK as the core value of BUMN personnel was based on several things. Because apart from being a protected forest, it has natural biological wealth such as forests, rivers and oceans as well as flora and fauna.

"We all hope that this area will not only become a center for the development of Tin Personnel or BUMN Personnel, but can also become an educational tourism attraction for the region and Indonesia," he said.

About BIO

Bangka Island Outdoor (BIO) was founded in 1993, BIO is an open nature area located in the Northeast Region of Bangka Island, precisely in Air Antu Hamlet, Deniang Village, Riau Silip District, Bangka Regency.

BIO is a Learning Development Center owned by TIMAH which is known as the candradimuka crater of the mining and tin commodity processing industry in Indonesia with the concept of learning in nature/open space.

BIO has six main nature-based facilities, namely the Fisherman's Village and the mangrove forest area as experiential learning from the internalization of the value of Amanah. Then the location of the Stone of Morals as the internalization of Competent values. Marina Bay location for Harmoni values, Camping Ground location for Loyal, outbound arena location as a medium for internalizing Adaptive values, and finally Melayu village location (where this event takes place) as a medium for internalizing Collaborative values.

Bangka Island Outdoor (BIO) has succeeded in increasing the capacity and capability of thousands of human resources (HR) of PT TIMAH Tbk (TIMAH) MIND ID members, and many other SOEs.

Having unique natural contours, with hills, forests, rivers and rocky beaches and facilitated by the best trainers and facilitators, BIO has been called one of the best Outdoor Experience areas in Southeast Asia.

In addition to the KBUMN mineral and coal cluster, BUMN companies from other clusters can also take advantage of the BIO AKHLAK Center as a facility to strengthen and internalize AKHLAK values.*