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Indonesian Independence, PT Timah Tbk and the Struggle of National Hero Depati Amir

PANGKALPINANG -- Depati Amir is the pride of the people of Bangka Belitung for his struggle to realize Indonesian independence from Bangka Island. Depati Amir was officially confirmed as a National Hero from Bangka Belitung on November 8 20218.

His figure was so tough against the Dutch who started making tin mining trenches on Bangka Island and making Depati Amir a threat to the Netherlands.

The journey to nominate Depati Amir to become a National Hero began in 2004, then continued in 2007 and in 2018 Depati Amir was confirmed as a National Hero.

The toughness and tenacity of the Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Title Study Research Team (TP2GD) plus full support from PT Timah as one of the tin mining companies in Bangka Belitung has finally realized the dream of the people of Bangka Belitung to have a National Hero.

Secretary of the Regional Title Study Researcher (TP2GD) for the Bangka Belitung Islands, Akhmad Elvian, said that as a province that has been established since 2000, it would be incomplete if Babylon did not have a National Hero.

In fact, there was a proud son of Bangka Belitung, Depati Amir, who at that time was fighting to support Indonesian independence. Never giving up, they and their team continued to prepare various requirements for applying for National Hero Depati Amir.

Akhmad Elvian said that the people of Babylon have long wanted Depati Amir to become a National Hero. This can be seen by the name Depati Amir which continues to be echoed as the name of public facilities, street names, and so on.

"The national hero for the people of Babylon is his crown. If a king doesn't have a crown, he's not a king. A province is not complete if it doesn't have a crown, and this provincial crown is a national hero. This means that we as a province have a role in forming this republic." fight for this republic," said Elvian in a conversation some time ago.

The presence of National Heroes from Bangka Belitung proves that Bangka Belitung is part of Indonesia's struggle. Moreover, at that time, Bangka Belitung was one of the districts targeted by the Dutch because it had a lot of natural wealth of tin and pepper.

"When we have a National Hero from that region, it's like having a role in the formation of Indonesianness. We have a great hero. The province is complete with a national hero. Apart from that, the Hero becomes an example, a role model, and gives enthusiasm to be more active in developing this Province," he said. Elvian.

He said there were many challenges in proposing Depati Amir to become a National Hero. The team had to collect various scientific evidence about the history of their struggle, breaking the statements of previous historians who said that Depati Amir surrendered. This requires a study to look for evidence in the Netherlands.

At that time, PT Timah Management, who were also members of the TP2GD team, fully supported the struggle to nominate a National Hero by fully supporting two seminars which were one of the requirements for nominating a national hero.

Apart from that, PT Timah also facilitates research and review teams to search for archives both in the national archives and at the Dutch National Archives Office.

"PT Timah's role is very important in supporting Depati Amir in becoming a national hero. Starting from the seminar which was held twice, PT Timah fully supported not only Depati Amir but also Hanandjoeddin, supporting the collection of archives including us being facilitated to go to the Netherlands to look for archives of the Amir's struggle. And at that time "In fact, there is an archive in the Dutch Memorie Van Overgave which states that Amir was chased, surrounded and arrested, so he did not give up. This is information that contradicts the previous statement," he explained.

In interpreting the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Elvian reminded him of the values ??of the struggle carried out by Depati Amir so that he could have the enthusiasm to continue Depati Amir's struggle.

"People who behave like conspirators destroying the country are contrary to Depati Amir's struggle. Amir wants tin to be managed by the state, and that's why people often mention Depati Amir's oath. When Depati Amir is arrested and betrayed, he swears, that people who betray this country will experience disaster, "So don't try to do bad things to Bangka Belitung and betray the struggle of the heroes," he advised.

The same thing was conveyed by TP2GD member Ali Usman who told about how at that time the team was struggling to ensure that Depati Amir could become a national hero.

Moreover, at that time, the budget only relied on self-help and assistance from the people of Bangka Belitung, including PT Timah. Everyone has the same enthusiasm for Bangka Belitung to have a National Hero.

"Depati Amir is not only a symbol of Bangka Belitung but the glue that holds NTT and Bangka Belitung together. Many people are involved because we really want Depati Amir to become a National Hero," he said.

PT Timah said he had played a big role in supporting the team to be able to complete various requirements for nominating a National Hero.

"PT Timah played many roles, starting from seminars 1 and 2, helping to facilitate the completion of archives and many meetings which were also held at PT Timah. At that time the management was very supportive of our efforts to have a National Hero," he said. (*)