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Increasing Mud Crab Population in Coastal Areas, PT Timah Tbk Restocking Mud Crab on Pongkar Beach

KARIMUN -- To increase the population of mud crabs, PT Timah Tbk has restocked 400 mud crab seeds around Pongkar Beach, Tebing District, Karimun Regency, Wednesday (24/5/2023).

The release of the 400 crab seeds was carried out together with the Padang Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center (BPSPL) Tanjung Pinang Work Unit and the surrounding community.

Mud crab restocking is a form of sea reclamation carried out by MIND ID Mining Industry Holding Members to protect coastal ecosystems. In addition, the population of mud crabs that live naturally has begun to decrease. So restocking it can increase the mangrove crab population.

Tanjung Pinang Work Unit BPSPL Representative, Rita Permata Sari, said that her party strongly supports squid restocking activities because apart from increasing the population it is also an effort to preserve the environment, especially coastal ecosystems.

"This activity is part of an effort to preserve nature and the environment, so we from BPSPL of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries are very supportive," she said.

Rita added mangrove crabs have a high enough economic value so that later they can have an impact on improving the economy of coastal communities.

"Maybe this activity will reap the results in the next few years where the seeds we release can live and reproduce well so that later it will have a positive impact on the fishermen around here," she said.

Meanwhile, Pongkar Village Secretary Murhalim appreciated PT Timah Tbk's commitment to caring for the surrounding environment. She hopes that this activity can continue so as to have a positive impact on the community and also on fishermen.

"Previously PT Timah Tbk also carried out activities similar to spreading crab seeds and also installing abrasion containment embankments, and we can see that this can reduce the impact of abrasion on the Pongkar beach which is already very critical," she said.