PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Increasing Literacy About History, PT Timah Tbk Distributes 229 Mapur Books Telling Stories of Reaping Blessings on Belitung Island

BELITUNG - To support literacy about the culture of the people in Bangka Belitung, PT Timah Tbk handed over 229 copies of the book Mapur Mendulang Mendulang Stories of Reaping Blessings to two agencies on Belitung Island, Tuesday (28/11/2023).

103 books were handed over to the East Belitung Regency Education Office and 126 books to the Belitung Regency Education and Culture Service (Disdikbud).

This book tells about the customs and culture of the Mapur Indigenous community in Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

This book donation is PT Timah Tbk's commitment to support improving the world of education in the Bangka Belitung Islands, including on Belitong Island.

Secretary of the East Belitung Education Service, Dedy Wahyudi, said that the book assistance was a positive step, to increase literacy and develop insight into the world of education in East Belitung.

"We will distribute this book to 103 elementary schools and 22 junior high schools in our area," said Dedy Wahyudi.

According to Dedy, in the future, they will encourage teachers to contribute equally in compiling books, whether on the same theme or another, in order to collaborate with PT Timah Tbk.

He said that PT Timah Tbk was very positive in advancing the world of education in East Belitung.

"PT Timah Tbk has made a positive contribution, and there is still something that needs to be developed in the future independent learning program," he said.

Therefore, he hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to be committed and increase its role in helping efforts to improve the quality of education.

"This means that PT Timah Tbk can support programs that can be synergized together," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Belitung Education and Culture Office, Soebagio, appreciated PT Timah Tbk for distributing books related to history in Bangka Belitung entitled Mapur.

Of course, books are one of the media in the learning process related to school literacy, students at school like to read.

"This is additional knowledge material in the learning process at school," said Bagio, Soebagio's nickname.

Bagio said that the books would be redistributed to the respective fields, both elementary and middle school, namely according to the books received by the Education and Culture Department.

"PT Timah Tbk's contribution to the world of education in Belitung Regency has been made a lot in improving the quality of education in Belitung," he explained.

He hopes that what PT Timah Tbk has done in the world of education will be maintained and improved.

"The friendship and coordination between PT Timah Tbk and the Belitung Regency Government continues to be established and improved," he said.