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Increasing Higher Education Gross Participation Rates, PT Timah Provides Assistance to 21 Alumni Students of the Pemali Boarding School Program

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah continues to strive to improve the quality of human resources around the mine through education. One of them is supporting education costs for students at universities.

PT Timah provided educational program assistance to 21 students who passed the SNMPTN, SBMPTN and SPAN PTKIN PT Timah Scholarship Class Program at SMAN 1 Pemali.

This educational assistance is also PT Timah's effort to increase the Gross Enrollment Rate (APK) in Higher Education in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

The recipients of this educational assistance are alumni of the Pemali Boarding School program, which is a high school education scholarship program implemented at SMAN 1 Pemali.

The Pemali Boarding School Program is an educational scholarship program from PT Timah which is intended for students who excel but come from low-income families.

It is hoped that this education fee will help these students with their college costs. So that they can continue their education to college.

One of the recipients of Ana's educational program assistance said that she is currently studying in the second semester at Bangka Belitung University (UBB) majoring in Civil Engineering.

In the midst of his family's economic limitations and the large need for college, he felt very happy to receive assistance from PT Timah.

"This assistance is very useful for me, because I will use it for college needs such as buying books and tuition fees," he said on the sidelines of receiving the assistance on Friday (17/5/2024).

He said that as an alumnus of PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School Program he had supported him a lot in terms of education.

"PT Timah has played a lot of roles in supporting my education. We have been funded since high school and thank God we are now receiving assistance again," he said.

Likewise, Saiyati, a resident from Belitung Island, was forced to postpone his studies for one year because he was still collecting fees.

"I graduated in 2022, but only started studying in 2023 because yesterday I was still saving. Thank God, I am now studying for the second semester at UBB," he said.

According to him, assistance from PT Timah was very useful for him in meeting his study needs.

"I feel a lot of benefits and assistance from PT Timah because it has helped me with my education. Hopefully the Pemali boarding school program can continue because this is very helpful and we are even helped with education costs to go to college," he said. (*)