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Increase Awareness About K3 Culture, Bangka Marine Production Unit Holds K3 Ceremony

BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk is committed to implementing OSH management in the company's business processes. In the momentum of commemorating the National K3 Month, each Production Unit within PT Timah Tbk held a National K3 Month Apple.

PT Timah Tbk's Bangka Marine Production Unit (UPLB) also held a rally in commemoration of the National K3 Month which was held at Mantung Pier, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency, Tuesday (7/2/2023).

In addition to the K3 Month ceremony, various series of activities were also held, such as emergency response simulations, various competitions, and free health checks for the surrounding community.

Through this K3 Apel, invites all employees at UPLB PT Timah Tbk to increase awareness and vigilance in implementing K3 in the work process.

Junior Expert Mining Inspector, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Muhammad Rahadian reminded that in 2023 there will be no accidents and fatalities in PT Timah Tbk's UPLB environment.

"We hope that in 2023 there will be no accidents, be it fatalities, serious accidents and even if possible, there will be no minor accidents in the UPLB work area," Rahadian ordered.

He also hopes that the K3 management carried out by PT Timah Tbk can continue to be improved so that it can prevent various potential fatalities. This ceremony, he said, was also at the same time to motivate workers to implement a K3 culture at work.

"Apart from the productivity side, more attention must also be paid to his work health so that operational activities run optimally. K3 management is further improved, such as in 2022 at UPLB there will be zero accidents and hopefully, in 2023 there will also be zero accidents," he hoped.

Meanwhile the General Manager of PT Timah Tbk, Ahmad Syamhadi, also hopes that this moment of activity can become a spirit to continue implementing a healthy and safe work culture.

"This is an annual event, but most importantly we must apply the culture every day so that discipline increases the vigilance and awareness of all workers," said Ahmad Syamhadi.

According to him, increasing the implementation of K3 Culture is also in line with increasing company productivity.

“We want to ensure that our workers are healthy, safe, and productive. By today's theme, you must have a proper work culture. It is appropriate in the context of the workplace, employee safety and knowledge, and the 5R work culture with the hope that it will lead to better productivity," he said.