PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


In Arranging Post-mining Land, PT Timah Targets the Reclamation of Hundreds of Hectares of Land in Bangka Belitung this Year

PANGKALPINANG - Sustainable environmental management is one of PT Timah's commitments in conducting its business processes. One form of environmental management carried out is through reclamation.

In 2024, PT Timah Tbk plans to carry out land reclamation covering an area of ??396.5 hectares in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Last year, in 2023, PT Timah implemented land reclamation covering an area of ??299.47 hectares in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

The land reclamation conducted by PT Timah Tbk follows the company's reclamation plan, which includes revegetation or planting.

In implementing revegetation, PT Timah Tbk conducts planting and greening on post-mining land. The selected plantations include fruit trees such as oranges, avocados, and others. Additionally, the company also plants sengon trees, cashews, and oil palms.

Anggi Siahaan, Head of Corporate Communications at PT Timah Tbk, stated that the planned reclamation is tailored to the mining land openings that the company will conduct.

PT Timah also involves communities around mining areas in implementing reclamation programs. This is a form of community empowerment and also stimulates the local economy.

"The company is highly committed to managing post-mining land to provide added value to the community. Therefore, the reclamation program conducted is not only about fulfilling responsibilities but also providing economic benefits to the community," he said.

Anggi mentioned that the reclamation carried out by PT Timah Tbk is also assessed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

"Sustainable environmental management is one of the company's priority programs. Thus, PT Timah consistently implements land reclamation," he concluded.