PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


In 2024, this is the PPM program implemented by PT Timah to encourage economic independence in mining area communities

PANGKALPINANG – PT Timah continues to enhance community welfare through its sustainable Community Empowerment Development (PPM) programs. In 2024, PT Timah will implement various PPM initiatives in its operational areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and the Riau Islands Province.

These PPM programs target multiple sectors: education, fisheries cultivation, agricultural cultivation, support for disabled groups, healthcare, environmental initiatives, and community engagement with indigenous groups.

As a member of MIND ID, the Mining Industry Holding, PT Timah is committed to holistic community empowerment, not just economic development. The PPM programs carried out by the company in 2024 have had a positive impact on the communities in its operational areas. For example, the Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) Mudong Garam Lestari (MGL) in Padang Village, Manggar District, East Belitung Regency, has been able to increase salt production.

The company's health, education, and environmental programs have significantly improved the quality of life in local communities. Access to better healthcare services through the "Sehat Mobile" initiative, and scholarships for high-achieving children from economically disadvantaged families, have helped improve human resources in the region.

Through environmental rehabilitation and conservation programs, PT Timah supports efforts to maintain local food security and protect the environment. Initiatives such as critical land rehabilitation, forest conservation, and tree planting help sustain ecosystems that support local agriculture and fisheries.

PT Timah's Head of Corporate Communications, Anggi Siahaan, emphasized that the company remains committed to improving the welfare of local communities and the environment in its operational areas throughout 2024.

"Various initiatives implemented are expected to bring significant economic, social, and environmental positive impacts. The company's presence is not just as a business entity, but also as a community partner in creating sustainable changes and delivering long-term benefits," said Anggi. (*)

PT Timah's 2024 PPM Initiatives:


  • Pemali Boarding School
  • Fish Cultivation (catfish & tilapia) in Pemali
  • Chili Cultivation in Paku
  • Bela Nusantara (Mentok)
  • Teacher Literacy Program (Bangka and Belitung)
  • Crew Training (Bangka and Belitung)
  • "Oto Sihat" (Bangka, Belitung, Kundur)
  • Mangrove Planting (Bangka, Belitung, Kundur, Meranti)
  • Indigenous Community Development


  • Salt Production Program in Mudong
  • Onion Farming Program in Gantung
  • Pineapple Cultivation and Derivatives in Badau


  • Marine Post (snapper, crab, mud snail cultivation, and mangrove planting)