PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


In 2023, Visiting 42 Locations, the Number of People Receiving Mobile Health Services from PT Timah Continues to Increase Every Year

PANGKALPINANG - In 2023, PT Timah's Mobile Health Unit visited 42 areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and Riau Islands Province, providing services to a total of 4,371 residents.

The free healthcare service provided by PT Timah's Mobile Health Unit reaches even the most remote areas. The presence of PT Timah's mobile health unit is enthusiastically welcomed by the community.

PT Timah's Mobile Health Unit visited 25 areas on Bangka Island, 12 areas on Belitung Island, and five areas on the Riau Islands. The mobile health service extends to various hamlets.

Health services conducted on this mobile unit also include health education for the community, promoting healthy lifestyles.

Since its launch in 2020, the number of people receiving healthcare from PT Timah's Mobile Health Unit has consistently increased each year.

In the previous year, 2022, the Mobile Health Unit visited 40 locations, providing services to a total of 3,820 individuals.

The presence of the Mobile Health Unit reflects PT Timah's commitment to improving and bringing healthcare services closer to communities in mining areas. Additionally, it serves as an effort to educate the public about adopting healthy lifestyles.

Not only does the Mobile Health Team visit residents, but they also go to the homes of those who cannot come directly to the Mobile Health Service location.

For instance, when the medical team from PT Timah's Mobile Health Unit provided healthcare services to Suhendi Umar (67), a resident of Tanjung Subdistrict, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency. The team visited Suhendi's residence as he could no longer walk due to the amputation of his legs caused by diabetes.

Suhendi expressed joy that the medical team from PT Timah's Mobile Health Unit could visit him at home to assist with the treatment of his legs.

"I am very happy to be visited like this because I have difficulty moving after my legs were amputated," he said.

Meanwhile, one of the residents of Rias Village, South Bangka Regency, Tarja (76), who underwent a health check-up, expressed gratitude for the free examination.

"I feel very helped by the presence of PT Timah's mobile health service because I now know what illness I have. Moreover, the service is also excellent because I am given medicine suitable for my complaints," she said.

"I hope that after receiving treatment from this mobile health unit, I can return to my activities as before. Also, I hope PT Timah can bring this mobile health unit back to our village," added Tarja.

Similarly, the Vice Regent of East Belitung, Khairil Anwar, appreciates PT Timah for conducting mobile health services on Belitung Island, especially in East Belitung.

He mentioned that with the increasing number of patients, the presence of the mobile health unit is crucial for the community. In the future, he hopes the Mobile Health Unit can also collaborate with local governments to establish a blood donation unit.

"In the future, we hope the mobile health unit continues to serve, and it is necessary to add a blood donation unit to collaborate with local governments in meeting the relatively high demand for blood," he said. (*)"