PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Improving the Quality of Public Health, PT Timah's Healthy Car Provides Health Services in Muntok, West Bangka

WEST BANGKA -- Even though it was raining, it didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the people of West Bangka Regency to get health services at PT Timah's Healthy Car, on Monday (15/1/2023).

The presence of the PT Timah Healthy Car in the Bozem Tourist Area, Teluk Rubiah, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency is being used by residents to check their health condition.

Not only the local community, free health checks at PT Timah's Mobol Sehat were also attended by participants who took part in mangrove and cashew tree planting activities in this area.

One of the residents of Teluk Rubiah, A.Kadir (85) admitted that this was the first time he had received the Healthy Car service and was happy that there was free health service from PT Timah.

"I'm very happy to be getting treatment, because this is the first time I'm getting treatment at PT TImah's Healthy Car, apart from being free, it's not far from home," said Kadir.

Likewise, Aryani (74) also admitted that she was happy and often received free Healthy Car services from PT Timah.

"I have had treatment twice at PT Timah's Mobil Sehat. Grandma has pain in her legs, she is very happy to be given free health services like this," She said.

Likewise, Normawati (45) admitted that the PT Timah Healthy Car program helped residents get health services.

"PT Timah's Healthy Car Program is very good, the service helps residents to know about their health. Thank you to PT Timah, hopefully, it will be maintained, and visit Rubiah Bay residents more regularly," She hoped.

Meanwhile, West Bangka Regency Government Assistant for Economy and Development Heru Warsito admitted that PT Timah's health program has so far helped development in the health sector, reduced stunting rates, and freed West Bangka from ODF.

"With the presence of Mobil Sehat which provides free health checks to residents, PT Timah has helped the government, because healthy and strong communities are the actors of development," he said.

According to him, PT Timah's Healthy Car activities encourage people to adopt healthy living behavior.

"PT Timah's health program is in line with the West Bangka Regional Government Program. PT Timah's encouragement and ODF assistance have also reduced the stunting rate in West Bangka and we have been declared ODF-free," explained Heru. (**)