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Improving the Capabilities of Timah Personnel National Obvitational Security, PT Timah and Babel Regional Police Hold Joint Capacity Building Exercises 

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk collaborates with the Bangka Belitung Regional Police to hold a Joint Capacity Building Exercise between the Ditpamobvit of the Babel Kep Regional Police and PT Timah Tbk's Divkam and Wastam in 2024.

The Joint Capacity Building Exercise between Ditpamobvit Polda Kep Babel and Divkam and Wastam PT Timah Tbk in 2024 was held for two days on Thursday-Friday (29-30/8/2024) at Graha Timah Pangkalpinang.

This activity was opened directly by the Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Nur Adi Kuncoro which was marked by an opening ceremony and the pinning of participant tokens. Also present at this activity was the Director of Pamobvit Polda Babel AKBP Kristanto Yoga Darmawan.

A total of 71 participants, a combination of personnel from the Ditpamobvit Polda Kep Babel and the Mining Security and Supervision Division of PT Timah, took part in this joint exercise.

PT Timah continues to strive to improve the capabilities of its employees through training programs to support the company's productivity and performance.

PT Timah's Director of Operations and Production, Nur Adi Kuncoro, in his speech said that this joint training was an effort to improve the expertise and skills of internal security personnel in maintaining the security of vital national objects at PT Timah.

This joint training is also part of the synergy and collaboration between the Babel Regional Police and PT Timah, after previously establishing cooperation between the two parties to secure vital national objects at PT Timah.

"This activity is to increase the competence of PT Timah's security team in carrying out security. We hope that this synergy and collaboration can continue," he said.

On this occasion, Nur Adi also explained the potential for tin in Indonesia which is found in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Riau Province and Riau Islands Province. PT Timah also has challenges with the existence of unlicensed mining in the Company's concession area.

"We need to protect the IUP area or assets of the Indonesian nation.
There are several significant issues such as illegal mining at PT Timah's IUP both on land and sea. Mining without a permit does not result in revenues going to the state. "For this reason, we need the support of all parties to carry out security measures," he said.

According to him, asset security is not only in reserves but also in offices, processing and smelting activities, and others. So that PT Timah can operate optimally.

Chief Executive of the Training and Head of Subditwaster Dit Pamobvit Polda Kep. Babel AKBP Benhard Sihombing said that this activity aims to improve the quality of security at PT Timah, increasing the knowledge capabilities of both Babel Regional Police personnel and PT Timah's internal personnel in handling operational disturbances and company assets.

"It is also hoped that this training can improve capabilities and strengthen synergy in creating a safe and conducive work environment," he said.

The training participants will be provided with various materials, including about securing National Vital Objects in supporting national development, the strategic role of the Criminal Investigation Directorate in Law Enforcement against illegal tin mining, and the role of intelligence in preventing social conflict in society. (*)