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Improving Facilities at the Al-Birru Islamic Boarding School, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over the Construction of Al Biru Mosque

BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to the Bangka Islamic Islamic Boarding School Raudhatul Ulum or better known as the Biru Islamic Boarding School. An Islamic boarding school located in Air Duren Village, Mendo Barat District, Bangka Regency for the construction of a mosque
Al Birru.

“Thank God, today we received assistance from PT Timah Tbk for the construction of the Al Birru Mosque in the Biru Islamic Boarding School. Hopefully, with this assistance we can accelerate the construction of the mosque," said the chairman of the Biru Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Ustaz Mochamad Nasrullah.

This assistance from PT Timah Tbk will be used for the construction of the mosque's canopy, because this mosque often experiences rain when it rains. This can create a slip hazard by creating puddles of water on the floor.

“Every time it rains, the students mop up the water. Hopefully in the near future, the canopy can be installed. Of course this can provide a sense of security and comfort in carrying out Worship, "he said.

Mochamad Nasrullah said the Biru Islamic Boarding School was only established in 2021, but currently there are 47 students who are studying at this Islamic Boarding School. Where are the students who study not only from Bangka Belitung, but also from
Kalimantan, Bengkulu, Palembang, Jakarta and Semarang.

As for Bangka itself, many students come from Pangkalpinang and Sungailiat. As for the teaching staff, currently, the Biru Islamic Boarding School has 8 teaching staff, four of whom are graduates from Al Azhar Egypt.

"We hope that this Biru Islamic Boarding School can develop in Indonesia in the future, that students from this Biru Islamic Boarding School will later be sent to Egypt, to study at Al Azhar, if there are students who are interested in continuing their education there," he said.*