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Improving Education Facilities, PT Timah Tbk Help Raudhatul Athfal Kemuning

BANGKA -- Education is one of the sectors receiving PT Timah Tbk's CSR, various programs and assistance have been disbursed to support education in the company's operational areas.

This time, PT Timah Tbk again helped the education sector by handing over assistance to Raudhatul Athfal Kemuning, Jalan Bukit Semut, Lubuk Kelik Village, Sungailiat Village, Bangka Regency, Wednesday (24/8/2022).

The Principal of RA Kemuning School, Ida Apriani said that they will use the assistance from PT Timah Tbk to buy Educational Game Equipment (APE).

The reason is that many of their APEs have been damaged, so they need new ones so that children can learn while playing using them. As is known, APE is also a form of learning method so that children become more interested.

"This will be used to replace educational game tools (APE) such as lego, blocks because many of our educational game tools have been damaged," she said.

Not only that, her party will also repair the seesaw game that has been damaged since 2016. They can't repair the cost-limited route.

Ida said that currently there are as many as 30 students who are studying at RA Kemuning, the students generally come from Lubuk Kelik. Through this RA, they hope to help parents of students to get an education.

"Most of the residents of Lubuk Kelik, we are here as best we can to educate children because there are still many shortcomings. We also cannot burden parents with economic conditions like this," she said.

She hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk can again help this kindergarten to add facilities and infrastructure so that children are more comfortable studying.*