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Improving Corporate Governance, PT Timah Holds Procurement FGD for Sustainable Business

PANGKALPINANG - As part of the effort to strengthen good corporate governance (GCG), PT Timah held a Procurement Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme “Procurement Bersinergi 2025” held at Graha Timah, Wednesday (26/2/2028).

This FGD is a form of the Company's commitment in harmonizing the procurement process with GCG principles, such as transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness.

With structured procurement governance, companies can minimize risks, optimize costs, and ensure the selection of credible business partners that meet the company's needs.

The FGD, which was attended by technical elements, implementing elements and logistics elements within PT Timah, presented speakers Associate Trainer and Reksadaya, Value Consult Deni Danasenjaya, ADW Consulting -Digital Procurement, Creative Leader Katri Iskandar and Head of Category Management & Operation MIND ID Mia Tanaya.

The speakers provided insights related to Procurement modernization, techniques in the preparation of Own Estimate Price (HPS) and also explained about the procurement process that has taken place at PT Timah Tbk.

Director of Human Resources of PT Timah Tbk Hendra Kusuma Wardana in his video speech said that the Procurement Division has a crucial role in realizing a procurement system that is in accordance with the rules, transparent and accountable.

This is also in line with efforts to improve corporate governance, which is committed to implementing GCG in the company's business processes.

“The Procurement process must be carried out effectively, efficiently and transparently. The procurement process must apply good GCG practices, in the preparation of HPS must be appropriate, must often conduct market research in order to determine a realistic HPS,” Hendra said.

In addition, he also advised to build effective and intensive communication in the preparation of technical specifications so that they can get suitable vendors.

“Pay attention to ESG aspects in the procurement process, develop a sustainable procurement strategy. Cost optimization to get efficiency without reducing quality,” he said.

With the Procurement FGD, PT Timah continues to demonstrate its commitment to strengthening corporate governance, improving the quality of the procurement process, and supporting the achievement of long-term business goals. (*)