PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Improving Community Sewing Skills, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Overlay Machine to PKBM Bhakti Negeri

KARIMUN – The community empowerment program run by PT Timah Tbk collaborates with various community groups. This time, PT Timah Tbk is in synergy with the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) Bhakti Negeri, Sawang Laut Village, Kundur Barat District, Tuesday (5/4/2022).

PT Timah Tbk handed over overlay machine assistance to PKBM Bhakti Negeri for improving community skills learning facilities. As is known, this PKBM has graduated thousands of people who have been able to open their own businesses after attending skills training.

PKBM Bhakti Negeri is an informal activity that is widely used by the community to learn to improve or add skills such as sewing.

The chairman of PKBM Bhakti Negeri Asiar, said that this machine will really help people who are learning sewing skills. Where the participants who study include housewives.

According to him, the handover of the overlock machine ahead of Lebaran is very appropriate, because when entering the month of Ramadan, many people sew clothes and this can increase income for the family.

For this reason, his party appreciates PT Timah Tbk for supporting learning activities by providing overlay machine assistance for their PKBM.

"I thank PT Timah for the assistance provided, this assistance can support our activities," he said.

In the future, he hopes that PT Timah can continue to support PKBM Bhakti Negeri activities to help improve the welfare of the community. In addition to schools, the community still gets the education that can improve family welfare.

He said that people who came to learn sewing were not only from Kundur Barat District but also from Pulau Island or other sub-districts, such as Belat, Moro, and Buru Districts.

"There are thousands of graduates from PKBM who are now able to be independent and open sewing businesses in their respective regions," he said. (**)