PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Improving Access to Clean Water for the Community in West Bangka, PT Timah, and TNI Construct Two Wells

WEST BANGKA - To enhance access to clean water for the people of West Bangka Regency, PT Timah, in collaboration with the Indonesian National Army (TNI), has constructed two well units in the Muntok District.

The two wells, built by PT Timah in collaboration with Kodim 0431 West Bangka, are located in Dusun VII Village of Belo Laut and Gang Cek Daud RT 01, RW 01 of Sungai Baru Subdistrict, Mentok District, West Bangka Regency.

The symbolic handover of the two well units took place during a tree planting event and the PT Timah mobile health service at Bozem Teluk Rubiah Tourism, Tanjung Bangka Barat, on Monday (15/1/2024).

The Head of Dusun VII, Belo Laut Village, Marzeni, stated that the good assistance provided by PT Timah and TNI was constructed in the Balai Desa (Village Hall) with the hope that it could be utilized for the needs of the Village Hall and all residents.

"The well assistance was built in the Village Hall because, in addition to being used for the needs of the Village Hall during meetings, it is also for all residents who need water, especially during the dry season. They can make use of it," said Marzeni.

According to him, PT Timah not only assists with wells but also helps everyone has felt the community in various aspects, and the benefits.

"Thank God, the well construction is completed and can be utilized. The residents have felt the benefits of PT Timah's presence, such as social assistance, aid for the sick, PUMK funds, necessities assistance, and much more that PT Timah has provided," he explained.

Similarly, the Chairman of RT 01 RW 01 Sungaibaru, Berlian Singgih, expressed gratitude for the assistance with the well.

"Thank God, we have been helped since the existence of good assistance from Kodim 0431 West Bangka in collaboration with PT Timah in assisting the community. This is a manifestation of PT Timah's concern for the people in the production area," said Berlian.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Staff of Kodim (KASDIM) 0431 West Bangka, Mayor Nawawi, mentioned that the construction of wells will ease the community's access to clean water.

"The collaboration between PT Timah and TNI has been solid in assisting the entire community of West Bangka. Hopefully, what we are doing together with PT Timah can directly benefit the people," he said. (*)"