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Improve Archives Management, PT Taspen Benchmark to PT Timah 

PANGKALPINANG -- To improve archives management, PT Taspen implemented an archives management benchmark in PT Timah's General Affairs and Asset Management Division, on Thursday (8/8/2024).

The arrival of the group led by the Head of Corporate Communication of PT Taspen Rizky Baharudin was welcomed by the Head of the General Affairs and Asset Management Division Hikmat Slamet and the Head of Archives and Document Control Dhiesta Febrionna along with the Archives team at the PT Timah Archives Services Unit.

PT Timah often becomes a benchmark location for archive management after previously in 2023 PT Timah received AA accreditation from the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI).

In this Benchmark, Hikmat Slamet explains the profile, introduction, and milestones in PT Timah's archive management, policies, and others including the archive security system.

Apart from discussions, the Taspen team also visited PT Timah's archive management room for documents, photos, and videos.

Meanwhile, Taspen's Head of Corporate Communication, Rizky Baharudin, said that they had come to PT Timah to see archive management.

"We came to learn and see firsthand the archive management process at PT Timah because we want to learn from the best for managing accredited archives in BUMN, namely PT Timah and PT KAI," he said.

According to him, from this benchmark, there are several things that can be adapted to be implemented at PT Taspen. One of them is the importance of raising awareness about managing archives.

Meanwhile, PT Timah's Head of Corporate Communications, Anggi Siahaan, said that the PT Timah Archives Unit continues to make improvements and adjustments in archive management so that the security and safety of archives is maintained and in accordance with the standards determined by ANRI.

"We have implemented digital archives, with accreditation from ANRI of course we have to follow all the standards set starting from management, storage, supervision, and guidance," he said. (*)