PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Hundreds of Stunting Children in Tebing District Receive Additional Food Packages from PT TIMAH Tbk

KARIMUN -- To assist in handling stunting cases in the company's operational areas, PT TIMAH Tbk handed over 147 additional food packages for stunted children in Tebing District, Karimun Regency, Wednesday (26/10/2022).

The additional food packages such as milk and biscuits, red beans, and green beans are PT TIMAH Tbk's efforts in improving the quality of public health.

Suryani, the parents of Riana (3 ) from Teluk Uma Village, was very happy with the help of additional food packages for her toddler.

"My child has difficulty eating and only drinks milk, so his growth is not optimal like other children his age," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the UPT Puskesmas Tebing Subdistrict, Alaiddin, said that the cause of stunting in children was not solely due to genes or heredity, but the lifestyle of the parents and also the success around the child's environment.

"So stunting children are not just inherited or genes from their parents, but there are many factors that influence them," he said.

According to him, his party through the Puskesmas has often educated Posbindu in Tebing District to remind the public, especially mothers who have toddlers, to apply clean and healthy living so that they can support children's growth.

Pamak Village Head, Haji Jahid appreciated PT TIMAH for caring for the community in Tebing District, especially children who experience stunting.

"Hopefully in the future, the program of providing additional food for children under five like this can continue," he said.