PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Hundreds of Residents of Permis Village, South Bangka Invade Healthy Cars of PT Timah Tbk

SOUTH BANGKA -- Hundreds of residents of Permis Village, Simpang Rimba District, South Bangka Regency, received free health services at PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car.

People flock to free health services held at the Permis Village Office, Wednesday (12/10/2022).

A total of 124 residents of Permis Village take advantage of this free health service from PT Timah Tbk. This Healthy Car is PT Timah's effort to improve the quality of public health around the mine.

In addition to providing free health services, Mobil Sehat also provides consultation and health education for the community.

Permis Village Head, Yuspongo said their community was very enthusiastic about checking their health at PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car. They feel that the community is helping them to get closer to health services.

"The people of Permis Village are very enthusiastic and eager to get free treatment from PT Timah Tbk. This is the first time the company has provided free medical treatment for residents. Usually, residents seek treatment from the community health center and Mantri," he said.

He said that his party had announced to residents that there would be free health services.

According to him, the free health service from PT Timah Tbk is very important and very helpful for their community.

"It is very important so that people can know what they are sick with and this is closer to them for treatment. That's why enthusiasm is very high for treatment and this reduces the cost of medical treatment for residents because it is free," he said.

He hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car can come back to their village and that the synergy between the company, the community, and the Village Government can continue to be established.

One of the residents, Dwi Ristanti (23) said she had several complaints such as cough and flu. Not only him who received treatment but also her son who had several complaints such as itching and flu.

"I and my child are taking treatment at the same time because we are both sick. Thank God this was given medicine and given an explanation by the doctor," she said.

According to her, the existence of free health services is very helpful for her, with the condition of young children, it is difficult to take them for treatment far away.

"If you want to go to a hospital far away, the child is still small, not to mention the cost. If there is a doctor here, we can get treatment closer and free of charge. Very helpful for residents. Hopefully, later they will come again," she said.

Similarly, Murni (54) said she was very happy to get health services from PT Timah Tbk.

"Earlier I wanted to go for treatment to Lampur because the past few days my hands were often cramping, and painful. But Alhamdulillah, there is a free health check from this healthy car, I'm not far away from treatment," she said.

According to Murni, this is the first time she has received free health services in their village. So far, they have gone to the Mantri or outside the village for treatment.

"Wherever the treatment is, sometimes to Lampur, to Simpang Katis depending on the suitability. But it's far away and the road also knows what it's like. Thank God it's close and free," she said.