PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Hundreds of Fishermen and Vulnerable Groups Receive BPJS Employment from PT Timah

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk provides social protection guarantees for fishermen and vulnerable groups in the area around the company's mines through the Employment Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS).

Through the Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program, PT Timah registers and covers the costs of membership fees for fishermen and vulnerable groups for one year.

Throughout 2023, PT Timah has registered 473 fishermen and vulnerable groups to receive BPJS Employment.

The beneficiaries of this program are non-wage workers (PBU) such as fishermen, people with disabilities and informal business actors in the area around the mine.

This member of the MIND ID mining industry holding company realizes that social protection for fishermen groups is important. This social security is part of PT Timah Tbk's CSR as a form of company concern for the community in the company's operational areas.

In March 2023, the symbolic handover of BPJS Employment from PT Timah to fishermen groups was also witnessed by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Wahyu Sakti Trenggono during his working visit to Bangka Belitung.

One of the fishermen who received BPJS Employment benefits from PT Timah Tbk, Juliardi, who is also the chairman of the Joint Business Group (KUB) Fishermen Bina Sejahtera Bersama in Air Antu Hamlet, Deniang Village, Riau Silip District, Bangka Regency, said that his members felt many benefits.

He said that by becoming BPJS Employment participants facilitated by PT Timah Tbk, they felt they received social protection when going to sea.

"We are very grateful to be given facilities by PT Timah in the form of BPJS Employment. "Because even though we only work as fishermen, the existence of BPJS at least makes us feel protected in carrying out fishing activities," he said, quoted in the news some time ago.

“A program like this is something we really look forward to. Because so far, if something undesirable happens while working, we make voluntary donations to help our colleagues who are affected by the disaster. "What is called a voluntary contribution, the funds are limited," he said.

Furthermore, he said that the existence of BPJS Employment provides social protection for them. So they can carry out their activities in peace.

"This program provides an umbrella for us to protect us if undesirable things happen. Apart from that, it also makes friends feel more relieved when doing activities. "You don't have to worry anymore if something happens," said the man who is familiarly called Ali.

Meanwhile, Sen Hiung (43) or usually called Ahyung, who is a member of KUB Bina Sejahtera Bersama, is also grateful and feels protected by the existence of this program.

"I have been fishing for more than 19 years, I have been doing this fishing activity since I was young. We are very grateful for the BPJS Employment given to us by PT Timah. "And of course, with BPJS, we really feel helped and protected," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk can continue to support the independence of fishermen, so that it can improve the economy of fishing communities.

"Hopefully PT Timah will continue to help small fishermen like us, such as fishing gear or other facilities and infrastructure that can increase the income of small fishermen here," said Ahyung.

In 2023 PT Timah Tbk won the 2023 Patriana Award at the Bangka Belitung Islands Province level in the Large Scale Company category from BPJS Employment.

The Patriana Award is an award given by the president and held by the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS) to Provincial, Regency/City Governments, and large, medium scale business actors, public service sector businesses, and micro businesses that fully support the implementation of employment social security . (*)