PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


House of Worship and Tahfiz Quran in South Bangka Receives Assistance from PT Timah, Shares Happiness in the Moment of Ramadan

SOUTH BANGKA -- At the end of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah, PT Timah again handed over assistance to places of worship in the company's operational areas. This assistance for places of worship and Quran tahfiz was handed over at the same time as the Ramadan Safari.

In South Bangka Regency, PT Timah also handed over assistance to three houses of worship and ten Quran Hafiz which was carried out during a Ramadan safari at the Wilasi Guest House, South Bangka, Wednesday (3/4/2024).

This assistance was handed over by the HR Director of PT Timah Tigor Pangaribuan together with the Commissioner of PT Timah Rustam Efendi and the Head of South Bangka Wilasi Rudi Nursalam.

The three places of worship in South Bangka that received assistance from PT Timah during Ramadan are the Al Mukminin Mosque in Harapan Hamlet, the Baitul Makmur Mosque in Bencah Village, and the Al Muhajirin Mosque in Rindik Village.

One of the aid recipients, the Chair of the Al Mukminin Mosque from Dusu Harapan Makmur, Keposang Village, said that assistance from PT Timah would be used for painting the mosque.

"Thank God, we received assistance from PT Timah for the mosque. Later it will be used to paint the mosque because the mosque has just been completed and has only been used for a few weeks," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah will continue to exist so that it can continue to help the community and that its benefits can continue to be felt by local residents.

"Hopefully PT Timah can run its business smoothly, all problems can be resolved quickly so that the benefits can continue to be felt by the community," he said.

Riski, one of the Hafiz Quran who received compensation from PT Timah, said that he was touched to receive concern from the company, especially during the month of Ramadan.

"Alhamdulillah, this is the first time I have received assistance from PT Timah, thank you PT Timah for caring and paying attention to us. Hopefully, in the future PT Timah will continue to provide attention to those who memorize the Koran," he said. (*)