PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Helping Road Repair, PT Timah Facilitates Access for Kayu Charcoal Villagers to Live

WEST BANGKA -- The people of Kayu Arang Village, Kelapa District, West Bangka Regency can now breathe a sigh of relief. This is because the path they take to earn a living can be passed without any obstacles.

PT Timah some time ago provided assistance to repair residents' roads which became the lifeblood of residents' economic access. Previously, access roads that were passed by fishermen and farmers could not be passed due to tidal flooding.

The village head of Kayu Charcoal Alatas said that assistance from PT Timah was used to buy materials and rent heavy equipment.

“PT Timah's aid was used to buy 84 Tanah Puru cars and rent heavy equipment. The road is thickened as high as 80 cm, then hardened by renting heavy equipment,” he explained.

Currently, Alatas said, the road has been repaired
making it easier for people to go to locations to earn a living. The thickening of the road also prevents water from flowing into the road.

One of the fishermen in Kayu Arang Village, Sophan Sophian, admitted that he was more comfortable using this road to get to his boat.

“Now with the elevation of the road, even though there is flooding, because the road has been elevated, it is easier for us to get to the location, to transport natural products from both fishermen and farmers. Before it was repaired, we had to walk to the location of the boat, transporting natural products," said Sophan.

Meanwhile, the Kayu Arang Edison Village Consultative Body (BPD) appreciated PT Timah's concern for the Kayu Arang residents,

“We from BPD Kayu Arang appreciate the road rehabilitation assistance provided by PT Timah. This road is traversed by fishermen and farmers while earning a living, one of the arteries of the village economy. Thank you, hopefully PT Timah will continue to move forward and move forward. care for the community," he said.